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Created May 8, 2012 11:09
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PHP WoW-config Lua parser
class LuaParseError extends Exception {}
class LuaParser {
private $source;
private $source_len;
private $offset = 0;
private $line = 1;
private $EOF = false;
private $stack = array();
private $exports = array();
// Interface ---------------------------------------------------------------
public function __construct($lua) {
$this->source = $lua;
$this->source_len = strlen($lua);
// Cleaning code before parse
private function preparse() {
// Remove comments
//$this->_source = preg_replace("/--.*$/m", "", $this->_source); [<- BROKEN]
// Parse and return PHP
public function parse() {
while(!$this->isEOF()) {
$operands = $this->parseRoot();
$this->exports[$operands[0]] = $operands[1];
return $this->exports;
// Navigators --------------------------------------------------------------
// <-
private function &back(&$value = null) {
if($this->offset-1 >= 0) {
$char = $this->source[--$this->offset];
if($char == "\n") $this->line--;
return $value;
// v
private function char() {
return $this->source[$this->offset];
// ->
private function next($count = 1) {
if($this->offset+1 >= strlen($this->source)) {
$this->EOF = true;
return "";
$buffer = "";
while($count-- && !$this->EOF) {
$buffer .= ($char = $this->source[$this->offset++]);
if($char == "\n") $this->line++;
return $buffer;
// Stack -------------------------------------------------------------------
private function save() {
array_push($this->stack, array($this->offset, $this->line, $this->EOF));
private function delete() {
private function restore() {
$ctx = array_pop($this->stack);
$this->offset = $ctx[0];
$this->line = $ctx[1];
$this->EOF = $ctx[2];
// Buffer ------------------------------------------------------------------
private function pos() {
return $this->offset;
private function slice($begin, $end) {
$len = ($end-1)-$begin;
return substr($this->source, $begin, $end-$begin);
// Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse error
private function error($error) {
throw new LuaParseError($error." (got '".$this->char()."') on line ".$this->line);
private function errorBack($error) {
private function checkEOF() {
if($this->EOF) {
$this->errorBack("unexpected end-of-file");
// Eat whitepaces
private function whitespaces() {
$whitespaces = array(" ", "\t", "\n", "\r");
while(in_array($this->next(), $whitespaces) && !$this->EOF);
if($this->EOF) {
if($this->next(2) == "--") {
} else {
// Eat comments
private function comments() {
if($this->next() == "-" && $this->next() == "-") {
// Multi-line
if($this->next() == "[" && $this->next() == "[") {
while($char = $this->next() && !$this->EOF) {
if($char == "-") {
if($this->next(3) == "-]]") {
} else {
// Single line
while($this->next() != "\n" && !$this->EOF);
} else {
$this->errorBack("comment expected");
// Parsers -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse a root assignment
private function parseRoot() {
$ident = $this->parseIdent();
$value = $this->parseValue();
return array($ident, $value);
// Parse a root identifier
private function parseIdent() {
static $identChars = false;
if(!$identChars) {
$identChars = str_split("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_");
$start = $this->pos();
while(in_array(strtolower($this->next()), $identChars) && !$this->EOF);
$ident = $this->slice($start, $this->pos());
if($ident == "") {
$this->errorBack("identifier expected");
return $ident;
// Parse a '='
private function parseEqual() {
if($this->next() != "=") {
$this->errorBack("equal expected");
// Parse a ','
private function parseComma() {
if($this->next() != ",") {
$this->errorBack("comma expected");
// Parse a Lua value
private function parseValue($scalar = false) {
static $numChars = false;
if(!$numChars) {
$numChars = str_split("0123456789+-ex.");
switch($char = $this->char()) {
case "t":
if($scalar) {
$this->error("invalid scalar value");
if($this->next(4) != "true") {
$this->error("invalid boolean true");
return true;
case "f":
if($scalar) {
$this->error("invalid scalar value");
if($this->next(5) != "false") {
$this->error("invalid boolean false");
return false;
case "n":
if($scalar) {
$this->error("invalid scalar value");
if($this->next(3) != "nil") {
$this->error("invalid nil");
return null;
case "{":
if($scalar) {
$this->error("invalid scalar value");
return $this->parseObject();
case "'":
case '"':
return $this->parseString();
// Number
if(!in_array($char, $numChars)) {
$this->error("value expected");
$start = $this->pos();
while(in_array(strtolower($this->next()), $numChars) && !$this->EOF);
$number = $this->slice($start, $this->pos());
if(!is_numeric($number)) {
$this->errorBack("number expected");
return ($number*1);
// Parse an object
private function parseObject() {
$obj = array();
try {
while(true && !$this->EOF) {
try {
$key = $this->parseKey();
} catch(LuaParseError $e) {
$key = false;
$value = $this->parseValue();
if($key) {
$obj[$key] = $value;
} else {
$obj[] = $value;
} catch(LuaParseError $e) {
try {
} catch(LuaParseError $e2) {
throw $e;
return $obj;
// Parse a object key
private function parseKey() {
$key = $this->parseValue(true);
return $key;
// Parse a string
private function parseString() {
$delimiter = $this->next();
if($delimiter != "'" && $delimiter != '"') {
$this->errorBack("invalid string delimiter");
$start = $this->pos();
while(($char = $this->next()) != $delimiter && !$this->EOF) {
if($char == '\\') {
return $this->slice($start, $this->pos()-1);
// Parse a '['
private function parseOpenBracket() {
if($this->next() != "[") {
$this->errorBack("open bracket expected");
// Parse a ']'
private function parseCloseBracket() {
if($this->next() != "]") {
$this->errorBack("close bracket expected");
// Parse '}'
private function parseCloseBrace() {
if($this->next() != "}") {
$this->errorBack("close brace expected");
// Lookahead EOF
private function isEOF() {
return $this->EOF;
function parse_lua($lua) {
$parser = new LuaParser($lua);
return $parser->parse();
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