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Created June 9, 2014 18:02
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Blocklist experiments
var ip = require('ip');
var list = require("./bt_level1.js").map(function(block) {
try {
block.start = ip.toLong(block.start);
block.end = ip.toLong(block.end);
} catch(e) {
console.log(e, block);
return block;
console.log("entries: " + list.length);
function BlockTree(start, end, reason) {
this.block = { start: start, end: end, reason: reason };
this.max = end;
this.depth = 1;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
BlockTree.prototype.balance = function() {
var ldepth = this.left ? this.left.depth : 0;
var rdepth = this.right ? this.right.depth : 0;
if (ldepth > rdepth + 1) {
var lldepth = this.left.left ? this.left.left.depth : 0;
var lrdepth = this.left.right ? this.left.right.depth : 0;
if (lldepth < lrdepth) this.left.rotateRR();
} else if (ldepth + 1 < rdepth) {
var rrdepth = this.right.right ? this.right.right.depth : 0;
var rldepth = this.right.left ? this.right.left.depth : 0;
if (rldepth > rrdepth) this.right.rotateLL();
BlockTree.prototype.rotateLL = function() {
var _block = this.block;
var _right = this.right;
this.block = this.left.block;
this.right = this.left;
this.left = this.left.left;
this.right.left = this.right.right;
this.right.right = _right;
this.right.block = _block;
BlockTree.prototype.rotateRR = function() {
var _block = this.block;
var _left = this.left;
this.block = this.right.block;
this.end = this.right.end;
this.left = this.right;
this.right = this.right.right;
this.left.right = this.left.left;
this.left.left = _left;
this.left.block = _block;
BlockTree.prototype.update = function() {
this.depth = 1;
if (this.left) this.depth = this.left.depth + 1;
if (this.right && this.depth <= this.right.depth) this.depth = this.right.depth + 1;
this.max = Math.max(this.block.end, this.left ? this.left.max : 0, this.right ? this.right.max : 0);
BlockTree.prototype.add = function(start, end, reason) {
var d = start - this.block.start;
var update = false;
if (d == 0 && this.block.end < end) {
this.block.end = end;
this.block.reason = reason;
update = true;
} else if (d < 0) {
if (this.left) {
update = this.left.add(start, end, reason);
if (update) this.balance();
} else {
this.left = new BlockTree(start, end, reason);
update = true;
} else if (d > 0) {
if (this.right) {
update = this.right.add(start, end, reason);
if (update) this.balance();
} else {
this.right = new BlockTree(start, end, reason);
update = true;
if (update) this.update();
return update;
}; = function(addr) {
var node = this;
while (node && !(addr >= node.block.start && addr <= node.block.end)) {
if (node.left && node.left.max >= addr) node = node.left;
else node = node.right;
return node ? node.block : null;
// #### BIN ####
function bin_lookup(addr) {
var min = 0;
var max = list.length - 1;
while(min <= max) {
var mid = Math.floor((min + max) / 2);
var range = list[mid];
if(range.start <= addr && range.end >= addr) return range;
else if(range.start > addr) max = mid - 1;
else min = mid + 1;
return null;
// #### INSERT ####
var tree = new BlockTree(list[0].start, list[0].end, list[0].reason);
for(var i = 1, l = list.length; i < l; ++i) {
tree.add(list[i].start, list[i].end, list[i].reason);
var miss = [];
var hit = [];
var miss_bin = [];
var hit_bin = [];
while(miss.length < 500000 || hit.length < 500000) {
var ip = Math.round(Math.random()*range+min);
var start = process.hrtime();
var block =;
var diff = process.hrtime(start);
var time = (diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1]) / 1000;
(block ? hit : miss).push(time);
start = process.hrtime();
var block2 = bin_lookup(ip);
diff = process.hrtime(start);
time = (diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1]) / 1000;
(block2 ? hit_bin : miss_bin).push(time);
/*if(!!block2 !== !!block) {
console.log("Lookup error:", ip);
console.log("Tree:", block);
console.log("Binary:", block2);
function round(n) {
var str = String(Math.round(n * 1000) / 1000);
if (str.length > 6) return str.slice(0, 6 - str.length);
return str;
function compute_data(set, drop_pct) {
var len = set.length;
if(drop_pct) {
var drop = len * drop_pct;
set = set.slice(drop, -drop);
len = set.length;
var min = Infinity;
var max = -Infinity;
var sum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var n = set[i];
if(n < min) min = n;
if(n > max) max = n;
sum += n;
var avg = sum / len;
var mid = (len - 1) / 2;
var mean = (set[Math.floor(mid)] + set[Math.ceil(mid)]) / 2;
var dev = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var n = set[i] - avg;
dev += n * n;
var std_dev = Math.sqrt(dev / (len - 1));
return [len, round(min), round(avg), round(mean), round(max), round(std_dev)];
console.log("\n(time unit is μs)");
console.log("\nFull tree data:");
var miss_data = compute_data(miss, 0);
var hit_data = compute_data(hit, 0);
+ miss_data[0] + "\t"
+ miss_data[1] + "\t"
+ miss_data[2] + "\t"
+ miss_data[3] + "\t"
+ miss_data[4] + "\t"
+ miss_data[5]);
+ hit_data[0] + "\t"
+ hit_data[1] + "\t"
+ hit_data[2] + "\t"
+ hit_data[3] + "\t"
+ hit_data[4] + "\t"
+ hit_data[5]);
console.log("\nFull binary search:");
var miss_bin_data = compute_data(miss_bin, 0);
var hit_bin_data = compute_data(hit_bin, 0);
+ miss_bin_data[0] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[1] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[2] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[3] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[4] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[5]);
+ hit_bin_data[0] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[1] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[2] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[3] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[4] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[5]);
console.log("\n90% tree data:");
var miss_data = compute_data(miss, 0.05);
var hit_data = compute_data(hit, 0.05);
+ miss_data[0] + "\t"
+ miss_data[1] + "\t"
+ miss_data[2] + "\t"
+ miss_data[3] + "\t"
+ miss_data[4] + "\t"
+ miss_data[5]);
+ hit_data[0] + "\t"
+ hit_data[1] + "\t"
+ hit_data[2] + "\t"
+ hit_data[3] + "\t"
+ hit_data[4] + "\t"
+ hit_data[5]);
console.log("\n90% binary search:");
var miss_bin_data = compute_data(miss_bin, 0.05);
var hit_bin_data = compute_data(hit_bin, 0.05);
+ miss_bin_data[0] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[1] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[2] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[3] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[4] + "\t"
+ miss_bin_data[5]);
+ hit_bin_data[0] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[1] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[2] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[3] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[4] + "\t"
+ hit_bin_data[5]);
module.exports = function(blocklist) {
var tree = null;
var that = {};
that.add = function(start, end, reason) {
if (!start) return;
if (typeof start === 'object') {
end = start.end;
reason = start.reason;
start = start.start;
if (typeof start !== 'number') start = ip.toLong(start);
if (!end) end = start;
if (typeof end !== 'number') end = ip.toLong(end);
if (start < 0 || end > 4294967295 || end < start) throw new Error("Invalid block range");
if (tree) tree.add(start, end, reason);
else tree = new BlockTree(start, end, reason);
} = function(addr) {
if (!tree) return null;
if (typeof addr !== 'number') addr = ip.toLong(addr);
if (Array.isArray(blocklist)) {
blocklist.forEach(function(block) {
return that;
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