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Last active September 11, 2020 12:04
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  • Save BastienClement/8677e5ab65392b26a605110aceb8552e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// ...
function window(array $array, int $width): array {
$results = [];
$count = count($array);
if ($count < $width) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not enough items in array');
for ($i = 0; ($i + $width - 1) < $count; $i++) {
$window = [];
$results[] = array_slice($array, $i, $width);
return $results;
namespace Gammadia\Collections\Timeline;
use Brick\DateTime\LocalDateTime;
use Traversable;
use RangeException;
use IteratorAggregate;
use Gammadia\DateTimeExtra\LocalDateTimeInterval;
use Generator;
use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\collect;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\concat;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\filter;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\first;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\last;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\map;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\mapSpread;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\reduce;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\unique;
use function Gammadia\Collections\Functional\window;
* A timeline of a time-varying values for a single concept.
* This is basically a collection of non-overlapping time ranges, each representing
* a continuous range during which the value of the concept does not vary. Each change
* of value is associated with a new range in the collection.
* The value might be undefined for some duration in the timeline, in which case it
* is assumed to be null. While a timeline can safely store and manipulate null values,
* some functions might not provide a way to distinguish between an explicit null value
* and the absence of value. Purposely storing nulls in a timeline is discouraged.
class Timeline implements IteratorAggregate {
* @var array<int, LocalDateTimeInterval|mixed>
private $items = [];
private function __construct(array $items) {
// We assume that items are correctly sorted and without overlapping range
// This is enforced by add()
$this->items = $items;
public static function empty(): self {
return new self([]);
public static function with(LocalDateTimeInterval $range, $value): self {
return self::empty()->add($range, $value);
public static function constant($value): self {
return self::with(LocalDateTimeInterval::between(null, null), $value);
public static function import(array $items, callable $range): self {
return reduce(
static function ($timeline, $item) use ($range): self {
return $timeline->add($range($item), $item);
* @todo doc
public static function zipAll(Timeline ...$timelines): self {
$hasInfiniteStart = false;
$starts = collect($timelines, function (Timeline $timeline) use (&$hasInfiniteStart): Generator {
yield from collect($timeline->items, static function (array $item) use (&$hasInfiniteStart): Generator {
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $range
[$range,] = $item;
$start = $range->getStart();
if (null === $start) {
$hasInfiniteStart = true;
} else {
yield $start;
$hasInfiniteEnd = false;
$ends = collect($timelines, function (Timeline $timeline) use (&$hasInfiniteEnd): Generator {
yield from collect($timeline->items, static function (array $item) use (&$hasInfiniteEnd): Generator {
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $range
[$range,] = $item;
$end = $range->getEnd();
if (null === $end) {
$hasInfiniteEnd = true;
} else {
yield $end;
$boundaries = unique(concat($starts, $ends), static function (LocalDateTime $boundary): string {
return (string) $boundary;
usort($boundaries, static function (LocalDateTime $a, LocalDateTime $b): int {
switch (true) {
case $a->isBefore($b):
return -1;
case $a->isEqualTo($b):
return 0;
return 1;
$boundaries = concat(
$hasInfiniteStart ? [null] : [],
$hasInfiniteEnd ? [null] : [],
$items = map(
mapSpread(window($boundaries, 2), static function (?LocalDateTime $start, ?LocalDateTime $end): LocalDateTimeInterval {
return LocalDateTimeInterval::between($start, $end);
static function (LocalDateTimeInterval $range) use ($timelines): array {
return [$range, map($timelines, static function (Timeline $timeline) use ($range) {
$slice = $timeline->slice($range);
if (empty($slice->items)) {
return null;
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $itemRange
[$itemRange, $itemValue] = first($slice->items);
// This is only a sanity check, cannot happen unless a bug is introduced somewhere in this class.
Assert::count($slice->items, 1, 'must not have more than one item in slice since every boundaries were extracted');
Assert::true($itemRange->isEqualTo($range), 'must have same range as slice since every boundaries were extracted');
return $itemValue;
// Remove slices of the timeline without any matching items in all other timelines
return (new self($items))->filter(static function (array $zipped): bool {
return !empty(filter($zipped));
* Alias for `Timeline::zipAll()->map()` with intermediate array unpacking
public static function merge(callable $fn, Timeline ...$timelines): self {
return self::zipAll(...$timelines)
->map(static function (array $values, LocalDateTimeInterval $range) use ($fn) {
$values[] = $range; // Add the range as the last parameter to map
return $fn(...$values);
public function size(): int {
return count($this->items);
* Returns a new timeline with a new value for the given range.
* @throws RangeException If the range overlaps an already defined range in this timeline
public function add(LocalDateTimeInterval $range, $value): self {
$items = $this->items;
// @todo test this, never ran it \o/
for (
$start = 0, $end = count($items);
$i = $start + (int)(($end-$start) / 2), $i < $end;
) {
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $itemRange
[$itemRange,] = $items[$i];
if ($itemRange->intersects($range)) {
throw new RangeException('Overlapping ranges');
} else if ($itemRange->isBeforeInterval($range)) {
// If $items[$i] is before the range, we drop the lower half of indices
$start = $i + 1;
} else {
// If $items[$i] is after the range, we instead drop the higher half of indices
$end = $i;
array_splice($items, $i, 0, [[$range, $value]]);
return new self($items);
* Returns a timeline without any ranges outside the given range.
* If some ranges in this timeline cross the given range boundaries, they will be truncated.
public function slice(LocalDateTimeInterval $range): self {
$items = $this->items;
$min = $range->getStart();
if (null !== $min) {
for (
$start = 0, $end = count($items);
$i = $start + (int)(($end-$start) / 2), $i < $end;
) {
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $itemRange
[$itemRange,] = $items[$i];
if ($itemRange->contains($min)) {
$items[$i][0] = $itemRange->withStart($min);
} else if ($itemRange->isBefore($min)) {
$start = $i + 1;
} else {
$end = $i;
$items = array_slice($items, $i);
$max = $range->getEnd();
if (null !== $max) {
for (
$start = 0, $end = count($items);
$i = $start + (int)(($end-$start) / 2), $i < $end;
) {
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $itemRange
[$itemRange,] = $items[$i];
if ($itemRange->contains($max)) {
$items[$i][0] = $itemRange->withEnd($max);
} else if ($itemRange->isBefore($max)) {
$start = $i + 1;
} else {
$end = $i;
$items = array_slice($items, 0, $i);
return new self($items);
* Applies the given function to every ranges of value in this timeline.
public function map(callable $fn): self {
return new self(map($this->items, static function(array $item) use ($fn): array {
[$range, $value] = $item;
return [$range, $fn($value, $range)];
* Filters the timeline, keeping only ranges of value for which the predicate returns true.
public function filter(callable $predicate): self {
return new self(filter($this->items, static function(array $item) use ($predicate): bool {
[$range, $value] = $item;
return $predicate($value, $range);
* Reduces this interval by invoking the reducer with every range of values in this timeline.
public function reduce(callable $reducer, $initialValue = null) {
return reduce($this->items, static function($carry, array $item) use ($reducer) {
[$range, $value] = $item;
return $reducer($carry, $value, $range);
}, $initialValue);
* Simplifies the timeline such that no two item with meeting ranges with equal values,
* merging adjacent items if necessary.
public function simplify(callable $equals = null): self {
return reduce($this->items, static function ($items, array $item) use ($equals): array {
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $range
[$range, $value] = $item;
* @var LocalDateTimeInterval $lastRange
[$lastRange, $lastValue] = last($items);
if (
$lastRange->meets($range) &&
(null === $equals ? $value == $lastValue : $equals($value, $lastValue))
) {
array_splice($items, -1, 1, [
LocalDateTimeInterval::between($lastRange->getStart(), $range->getEnd()),
} else {
$items[] = $item;
return $items;
* Alias for Timeline::zipAll($this, ...$others).
public function zip(self ...$other): self {
return self::zipAll($this, ...$other);
* Returns a iterator over every ranges of values in this timeline.
* Keys are the ranges of each item.
public function getIterator(): Traversable {
foreach ($this->items as [$range, $value]) {
yield $range => $value;
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