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Created October 21, 2021 09:52
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Covid 19
  1. Which district has more cases?
  2. Total survived cases across country?
  3. Geographical pattern of pandemic spread?
  4. Rate of survival across districts?
  5. What is the recovery rate across countries, districts, state?
  6. Rate of new cases across districts?
  7. Total active cases in India?
  8. Datewise new cases in India?
  9. To understand the relation between new and death cases
  10. What is total % of new cases comparing to kerala with India.
  11. Mortality percentage across country, state, district
  12. Timeline view of cases across the different countries, states, districts
  13. Which country has the highest cases and why?
  14. Pattern of new cases and death across the timestamp.
  15. Impact of festivals increase in cases.
  16. Which country has the highest death rates.
  17. Infection rate across country, state, district on Timeline
  18. Highesh recovery in which month across states.
  19. Was lockdown effective.
  20. Quaterly death rate across countries.
  21. What is the % of cases with respect to the population.
  22. Statewise ranking.
  23. Can we find the wave count across district
  24. Impact of climate on the spread of infection.
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