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BasvanH / Get-Veeam-VBA-pending-Updates.ps1
Last active November 13, 2023 14:38
Get Veeam Backup for Azure pending update status.
# This script get the pending updates from the Veeam Backup for Azure appliance.
# Since this information isnt available in VSPC I decided to write a script that uses the
# API and updates API to pull this info.
# You can integrate this into your own monitoring solution.
# `$pendingUpdates` is a integer and filled with the pending update count
# `$updateCategories` is a string and filled with the categories of the pending updates.
# Use at your own risk.
BasvanH / Veeam Backup for O365 Monitor.amp
Last active October 14, 2022 12:32
N-Central Automation Managed template for Veeam Backup Office 365
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><Policy ID="6398a8db-fb7d-48b8-abbd-7643f6547507" Name="Veeam Backup for O365 Monitor" Description="VmVlYW0gQmFja3VwIGZvciBPMzY1IHN0YXR1cyBjaGVja3Mu" Version="" RemoteCategory="0" ExecutionType="Local" MinimumPSVersionRequired="0.0.0">
<Object ID="{8a98b90d-4612-4faf-b87d-c36daf15433b}" Type="{B6FA6D8B-EEAA-47A6-8463-7F9A4F5BBB6E}" Data="&lt;xml&gt;&lt;Parameters&gt;&lt;Parameter ParameterName=&quot;username&quot; Label=&quot;API Username&quot; ParameterType=&quot;string&quot; Value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;&lt;Parameter ParameterName=&quot;password&quot; Label=&quot;API Password&quot; ParameterType=&quot;password&quot; Value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;&lt;Parameter ParameterName=&quot;apiUrl&quot; Label=&quot;API URL&quot; ParameterType=&quot;string&quot; Value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;&lt;/Parameters&gt;&lt;OutputParameters&gt;&lt;Parameter ParameterName=&quot;backupSuccessCnt&quot; Label=&quot;Backup Success&quot; ParameterType=&quot;number&quot; Value=&quot;Run P
BasvanH / prtg-advanced-sensor-veeam-backup-office365-monitor.ps1
Last active February 15, 2024 15:45
PRTG Advanced sensor for Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365
PRTG Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 Advanced Sensor.
Advanced Sensor will Report Job status, job nested status, repository statistics and proxy status.
- If not already done, enable the the API in VBO
- On your probe, add script to 'Custom Sensors\EXEXML' folder
- In PRTG, on your probe add EXE/Script Advanced sensor