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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Rejection sampler for the epistemic trust model of Shafto, Eaves, et al (2012)
Copyright (C) 2015 Baxter Eaves
License : WTFPL V2
Rejection sampler for the epistemic trust model of Shafto, Eaves, et al (2012)
import random
N_HYPOTHESIS = 4 # Arbitrary choice from Shafto, Eaves et al (2012)
def get_theta_k(alpha_k, beta_k):
theta_k = random.betavariate(alpha_k, beta_k)
return theta_k
def get_knowledgeable(theta_k):
is_knowledgeable = random.random() < theta_k
return is_knowledgeable
def get_theta_h(alpha_h, beta_h):
theta_h = random.betavariate(alpha_h, beta_h)
return theta_h
def get_helpful(theta_h):
is_knowledgeable = random.random() < theta_h
return is_knowledgeable
def get_belief(world, is_knowledgeable):
if is_knowledgeable:
belief = world
belief = random.randrange(N_HYPOTHESIS)
return belief
def get_action(belief, is_helpful):
if is_helpful:
action = belief
actions = [a for a in range(N_HYPOTHESIS) if a != belief]
action = random.choice(actions)
return action
def sample_thetas(worlds, actions, params_k=(.5, .5,), params_h=(.5, .5),
""" Draw from the distribution f(\theta_k, \theta_h | observations, prior)
worlds : list<int>
list of the hypotheses (true states of the world) observed
actions : list <int>
list of the observed actions
params_k : tuple(alpha_k, beta_k,), optional
Prior prameters on theta_k
params_h : tuple(alpha_h, beta_h,), optional
Prior prameters on theta_h
n_samples : int, optional
The number of samples to collect
thetas : list<tuple(theta_k, theta_h)>
list of samples
thetas = []
# keep drawing samples until we have enough
while len(thetas) < n_samples:
# thetas persist across trials (demonstrations)
theta_k = get_theta_k(*params_k)
theta_h = get_theta_h(*params_h)
match = True
# for each observation...
for world_obs, action_obs in zip(worlds, actions):
is_knowledgeable = get_knowledgeable(theta_k)
is_helpful = get_helpful(theta_h)
# we can fix the state of the world, becuase P(w) is uniform
belief = get_belief(world_obs, is_knowledgeable)
action = get_action(belief, is_helpful)
# If the sampled action does not match the observed action,
# start over.
if action != action_obs:
match = False
if match:
thetas.append((theta_k, theta_h,))
return thetas
def prob_correct_label(thetas, action_obs):
count = 0.0
norm = 0.0
# for each value in our 'function approximation'
for theta_k, theta_h in thetas:
is_knowledgeable = get_knowledgeable(theta_k)
is_helpful = get_helpful(theta_h)
world = random.randrange(N_HYPOTHESIS)
belief = get_belief(world, is_knowledgeable)
action = get_action(belief, is_helpful)
if action == action_obs:
norm += 1.0
if action == world:
count += 1.0
return count/norm
def prob_endorse_informant_a(action_a, action_b, thetas_a, thetas_b):
p_a = prob_correct_label(thetas_a, action_a)
p_b = prob_correct_label(thetas_b, action_b)
return p_a / (p_a + p_b)
if __name__ == "__main__":
worlds = [0]*N_TRIALS
actions_a = [0]*N_TRIALS
actions_b = [1]*N_TRIALS
thetas_a = sample_thetas(worlds, actions_a)
thetas_b = sample_thetas(worlds, actions_b)
action_a = 1
action_b = 0
pchoosea = prob_endorse_informant_a(action_a, action_b, thetas_a, thetas_b)
print("P(endorse | \Xi) = %f" % (pchoosea,))
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