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Created July 16, 2015 21:20
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Bayesian hierarchical clustering
Copyright (C) 2015 Baxter Eaves
License: Do what the fuck you want to public license (WTFPL) V2
Bayesian hierarchical clustering.
Heller, K. A., & Ghahramani, Z. (2005). Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering.
Neuroscience, 6(section 2), 297–304. doi:10.1145/1102351.1102389
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import multigammaln
from numpy.linalg import slogdet
from numpy import logaddexp
from math import pi
from math import log
from math import exp
from math import expm1
from math import lgamma
LOG2PI = log(2*pi)
LOG2 = log(2)
def bhc(data, data_model, crp_alpha=1.0):
Bayesian hierarchical clustering CRP mixture model.
The Dirichlet process version of BHC suffers from terrible numerical
errors when there are too many data points. 60 is about the limit. One
could use arbitrary-precision numbers if one were so inclined.
data : numpy.ndarray (n, d)
Array of data where each row is a data point and each column is a
data_model : CollapsibleDistribution
Provides the approprite ``log_marginal_likelihood`` function for the
crp_alpha : float (0, Inf)
CRP concentration parameter.
assignments : list(list(int))
list of assignment vectors. assignments[i] is the assignment of data to
i+1 clusters.
lml : float
log marginal likelihood estimate.
# initialize the tree
nodes = dict((i, Node(np.array([x]), data_model, crp_alpha))
for i, x in enumerate(data))
n_nodes = len(nodes)
assignment = [i for i in range(n_nodes)]
assignments = [list(assignment)]
rks = [0]
while n_nodes > 1:
max_rk = float('-Inf')
merged_node = None
# for each pair of clusters (nodes), compute the merger score.
for left_idx, right_idx in it.combinations(nodes.keys(), 2):
tmp_node = Node.as_merge(nodes[left_idx], nodes[right_idx])
logp_left = nodes[left_idx].logp
logp_right = nodes[right_idx].logp
logp_comb = tmp_node.logp
log_pi = tmp_node.log_pi
numer = log_pi + logp_comb
neg_pi = log(-expm1(log_pi))
denom = logaddexp(numer, neg_pi+logp_left+logp_right)
log_rk = numer-denom
if log_rk > max_rk:
max_rk = log_rk
merged_node = tmp_node
merged_right = right_idx
merged_left = left_idx
# Merge the highest-scoring pair
del nodes[merged_right]
nodes[merged_left] = merged_node
for i, k in enumerate(assignment):
if k == merged_right:
assignment[i] = merged_left
n_nodes -= 1
# The denominator of log_rk is at the final merge is an estimate of the
# marginal likelihood of the data under DPMM
lml = denom
return assignments, lml
class Node(object):
""" A node in the hierarchical clustering.
nk : int
Number of data points assigned to the node
data : numpy.ndarrary (n, d)
The data assigned to the Node. Each row is a datum.
crp_alpha : float
CRP concentration parameter
log_dk : float
Some kind of number for computing probabilities
log_pi : float
For to compute merge probability
def __init__(self, data, data_model, crp_alpha=1.0, log_dk=None,
data : numpy.ndarray
Array of data_model-appropriate data
data_model : idsteach.CollapsibleDistribution
For to calculate marginal likelihoods
crp_alpha : float (0, Inf)
CRP concentration parameter
log_dk : float
Cached probability variable. Do not define if the node is a leaf.
log_pi : float
Cached probability variable. Do not define if the node is a leaf.
self.data_model = data_model = data
self.nk = data.shape[0]
self.crp_alpha = crp_alpha
self.log_pi = log_pi
if log_dk is None:
self.log_dk = log(crp_alpha)
self.log_dk = log_dk
self.logp = self.data_model.log_marginal_likelihood(
def as_merge(cls, node_left, node_right):
""" Create a node from two other nodes
node_left : Node
the Node on the left
node_right : Node
The Node on the right
crp_alpha = node_left.crp_alpha
data_model = node_left.data_model
data = np.vstack((,
nk = data.shape[0]
log_dk = logaddexp(log(crp_alpha) + lgamma(nk),
node_left.log_dk + node_right.log_dk)
log_pi = log(crp_alpha) + lgamma(nk) - log_dk
if log_pi == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Precision error')
return cls(data, data_model, crp_alpha, log_dk, log_pi)
class CollapsibleDistribution(object):
""" Abstract base class for a family of conjugate distributions. """
def log_marginal_likelihood(self, X):
""" Log of the marginal likelihood, P(X|prior). """
class NormalInverseWishart(CollapsibleDistribution):
Multivariate Normal likelihood with multivariate Normal prior on mean and
Inverse-Wishart prior on the covariance matrix.
All math taken from Kevin Murphy's 2007 technical report, 'Conjugate
Bayesian analysis of the Gaussian distribution'.
def __init__(self, **prior_hyperparameters):
self.nu_0 = prior_hyperparameters['nu_0']
self.mu_0 = prior_hyperparameters['mu_0']
self.kappa_0 = prior_hyperparameters['kappa_0']
self.lambda_0 = prior_hyperparameters['lambda_0']
self.d = float(len(self.mu_0))
self.log_z = self.calc_log_z(self.mu_0, self.lambda_0, self.kappa_0,
def update_parameters(X, _mu, _lambda, _kappa, _nu, _d):
n = X.shape[0]
xbar = np.mean(X, axis=0)
kappa_n = _kappa + n
nu_n = _nu + n
mu_n = (_kappa*_mu + n*xbar)/kappa_n
S = np.zeros(_lambda.shape) if n == 1 else (n-1)*np.cov(X.T)
dt = (xbar-_mu)[np.newaxis]
back =, dt)
lambda_n = _lambda + S + (_kappa*n/kappa_n)*back
assert(mu_n.shape[0] == _mu.shape[0])
assert(lambda_n.shape[0] == _lambda.shape[0])
assert(lambda_n.shape[1] == _lambda.shape[1])
return mu_n, lambda_n, kappa_n, nu_n
def calc_log_z(_mu, _lambda, _kappa, _nu):
d = len(_mu)
sign, detr = slogdet(_lambda)
log_z = LOG2*(_nu*d/2.0) + (d/2.0)*log(2*pi/_kappa) +\
multigammaln(_nu/2, d) - (_nu/2.0)*detr
return log_z
def log_marginal_likelihood(self, X):
n = X.shape[0]
params_n = self.update_parameters(X, self.mu_0, self.lambda_0,
self.kappa_0, self.nu_0, self.d)
log_z_n = self.calc_log_z(*params_n)
return log_z_n - self.log_z - LOG2PI*(n*self.d/2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n_per_cat = 2
def gen_data(n_per_cat):
cov = np.eye(2)*0.2
X0 = np.random.multivariate_normal([-2.0, 0.0], cov, n_per_cat)
X1 = np.random.multivariate_normal([2.0, 0.0], cov, n_per_cat)
X2 = np.random.multivariate_normal([0.0, 1.8], cov, n_per_cat)
data = np.vstack((X0, X1, X2))
return data
hypers = {
'mu_0': np.zeros(2),
'nu_0': 3.0,
'kappa_0': 1.0,
'lambda_0': np.eye(2)
data_model = NormalInverseWishart(**hypers)
# Sanity check: grab the assignment that has three components and do a
# visual verification.
data = gen_data(15)
asgn, _ = bhc(data, data_model)
z = np.array(asgn[-3], dtype=float)
plt.figure(tight_layout=True, facecolor='white')
plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], c=z, cmap='Set1', s=225)
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