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Code used to add custom icon to vuetify plugin in NuxtJS3 with Vuetify 3
// This file is the custom.ts
import { h } from "vue";
import type { IconSet, IconAliases, IconProps } from "vuetify";
// Custom icon component create
// I am extending the Icon module created by Atinus ->
import MIcon from "~~/components/MIcon.vue";
* Code for the icon component looks like this
* <template>
<Icon v-bind="$attrs" />
* I am using icon names from Iconess - >
* Using the Phospor pack here, but any icon name can be used.
* All of vuetify's core icons must be added in the `aliases` object
const aliases: IconAliases = {
complete: "ph:check-circle",
cancel: "ph:x-circle",
close: "ph:x-circle",
delete: "ph:trash",
clear: "ph:x-circle",
success: "ph:check-circle",
info: "ph:info",
warning: "ph:warning",
error: "ph:x-circle",
prev: "ph:caret-left",
next: "ph:caret-right",
checkboxOn: "ph:check-square-fill",
checkboxOff: "ph:square",
checkboxIndeterminate: "ph:square",
delimiter: "ph:circle",
sort: "ph:caret-up",
expand: "ph:caret-down",
menu: "heroicons:bars-2",
subgroup: "ph:caret-down",
dropdown: "ph:caret-down",
radioOn: "ph:radio-button-fill",
radioOff: "ph:circle",
edit: "ph:pencil-simple",
ratingEmpty: "ph:star",
ratingFull: "ph:star-fill",
ratingHalf: "ph:star-half-fill",
loading: "ph:spinner",
first: "ph:caret-double-left",
last: "ph:caret-double-right",
unfold: "ph:arrows-out",
file: "ph:file",
plus: "ph:plus",
minus: "ph:minus",
const custom: IconSet = {
component: (props: IconProps) =>
// Return render function
h(MIcon, { size: "20", name: props.icon, tag: props.tag, disabled: props.disabled }),
// export both aliases and the custom object created
export { aliases, custom };
// The @/plugins/vuetify.ts file
import { createVuetify, ThemeDefinition } from "vuetify";
import { aliases, custom } from "@/helpers/custom";
import * as components from "vuetify/components";
import * as directives from "vuetify/directives";
import { md3, md2 } from "vuetify/blueprints";
const myLightTheme: ThemeDefinition = {
dark: false,
colors: {
background: "#fff",
surface: "#fff",
primary: "#7c3aed",
secondary: "#6366f1",
error: "#ef4444",
info: "#3b82f6",
success: "#10b981",
warning: "#f59e0b",
export default defineNuxtPlugin((app) => {
const vuetify = createVuetify({
// blueprint: md2,
ssr: true,
defaults: {
global: {},
VSelect: { color: "#00FF00" },
theme: {
defaultTheme: "myLightTheme",
variations: {
colors: ["primary", "secondary"],
lighten: 3,
darken: 3,
themes: {
// Add the custom iconset
icons: {
defaultSet: "custom",
sets: {
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Oh interesting, what are the differences to the nuxt-icon lib?

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I was having issues when i tried to use the vicon component inside the v-list-item component. It would crash my app or print a lot of warnings in the browser console. Changing the icon component fixed that

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