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Last active January 10, 2021 19:45
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Linux fun progs on the internet. Just for fun!

Some linux fun progs, which I have found on the net:


//a train goes thorough the screen

sudo apt install sl


sudo apt install oneko

/a cat is running toward your mouse :)


// a cow say sg:

sudo apt install cowsay

cowsay "hello"

all the "animals" // cowsay -l

cowsay -f gnu "hello"

cowsay -f dragon "hello"



sudo apt install xcowsay

//like cowsay, just in graphical mode

xcowsay Hi there


//make it rainbow color

sudo apt install lolcat

//ruby package, it needs ruby

//write sg

lolcat -h

cowsay -f gnu "hello" | lolcat

cowsay -f dragon "hello" | lolcat


ps | lolcat

date | lolcat

cal | lolcat

echo I love you | lolcat -a -d 500

//a animation

//d duration

//make an alias even:

alias lolls="ls -l | lolcat"





sudo apt install fortune-mod

fortune | cowsay | lolcat


sudo apt install cmatrix

cmatrix -help

cmatrix -h :

Usage: cmatrix -[abBfhlsVx] [-u delay] [-C color]

-a: Asynchronous scroll

-b: Bold characters on

-B: All bold characters (overrides -b)

-f: Force the linux $TERM type to be on

-l: Linux mode (uses matrix console font)

-o: Use old-style scrolling

-h: Print usage and exit

-n: No bold characters (overrides -b and -B, default)

-s: "Screensaver" mode, exits on first keystroke

-x: X window mode, use if your xterm is using mtx.pcf

-V: Print version information and exit

-u delay (0 - 10, default 4): Screen update delay

-C [color]: Use this color for matrix (default green)

cmatrix -C red

cmatrix -s

cmatrix -l


sudo apt install espeak

espeak "Try me"


apt-get install libaa-bin

//looks like a fire


apt install bb


//some music

epoch counter on the terminal

from nixCraft:

tput clear; while :; do tput cup 10 10; date +%s; sleep 1; done


watch date +%s //from man watch: this one count with 2sec. By default, command is run every 2 seconds and watch will run until inter‐ rupted.

watch -n 1 date +%s

//it counts in every second.

End of fun progs

use terminal as an alarm clock:

sleep 10m && vlc /home/bazs/Desktop/s.mp3 sleep 10h && vlc /home/bazs/Desktop/s.mp3 sleep 8h 30m && vlc /home/bazs/Desktop/s.mp3

Check your dirs size

//in home: du -a /home | sort -n -r | head -n 5 //in everywhere: du -a | sort -n -r | head -n 5

//human readable du -hs * | sort -rh | head -5

largest files: find -type f -exec du -Sh {} + | sort -rh | head -n 5


create the file .config/redshift.conf and enter the text below, save redshift.conf

[redshift] temp-day=3700 temp-night=3700 gamma=0.8 adjustment-method=randr

logOGG/ON should be night time all the time then

or manually: evening: redshift -O 4500

shortly before bedtime, I can set it to 3700: redshift -O 3700

and in the morning, back to normal: redshift -O 6500

geoclude whereiam: /usr/lib/geoclue-2.0/demos/where-am-i

print the location and exit: redshift -p

terminal command (for some reason it blinking...):

redshift -l 46.58:17.41 -t 3700:3700 -m randr -v

lsb_release -a

Where is trash folder in linux? source:

our trash directory is most likely at:


If you deleted something as root (e.g. deleted a file using Nautilus invoked via gksu), it is at:


(In general, according to specifications[1][2], the "home trash" directory is at $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash, and $XDG_DATA_HOME in turn defaults to $HOME/.local/share.)

To see .local in your home folder using the file manager, select Show Hidden Files from the View menu or just type Ctrl+H.

The Trash directory is first created when a user deletes a file. Within Trash there are three subdirectories:

files, where the deleted files are stored until the trash is emptied
info, which stores information on where the files once were and when they were deleted
expunged, to which files are briefly moved when the trash is emptied (but may contain some owned by other users from directories you deleted).

Note that using the rm command in a terminal or the Shift+Delete key combination in the file manager will permanently delete your file instead of moving it to the trash.

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