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Created September 18, 2023 11:35
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cinder ceph volume migration
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(:all);
use Nice::Try;
use JSON;
# script to migrate cinder volumes from one backup to another backend
use constant OLD_CLUSTER => <name of the old cluster, used to lookup ceph config files>;
use constant NEW_CLUSTER => <name of the new cluster, used to lookup ceph config files>;
use constant NEW_CINDER_HOST => <new cinder host, used to update cinder database entries>;
use constant NEW_SERVICE_UUID => <UUID of cinder service for new cluster>;
use constant NEW_VOLUME_TYPE => <UUID of cinder volume type for new clusters>;
use constant OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST => <host to run ceph management commands on for old cluster>;
use constant NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST => <host to run ceph management commands on for new cluster>;
use constant MYSQL_MGMT_HOST => <host to run mysql commands on for updating cinder database>;
use constant VOLUME_POOL => <pool containing cinder volumes>;
sub usage ($) {
my ($error) = @_;
print STDERR <<"EOF";
migrate_volume <instance uuid>
The script will check whether the instance is using a volume on the old cluster,
and attempts to migrate it to the new cluster
if ($error) {
print STDERR "ERROR: $error\n";
else {
sub get_volumes ($) {
my ($uuid) = @_;
my @ids;
foreach (`openstack server show -c volumes_attached -f value $uuid`) {
$_ =~ s/^id='(.+)'$/$1/;
push @ids, $_;
return @ids;
sub get_volume_type($) {
my ($vol_id) = @_;
my $type = join('', `openstack volume show -c type -f value $vol_id`);
chomp $type;
return $type;
sub remote_rbd ($$) {
my ($host, $cmd) = @_;
my @output = `ssh -l root $host rbd $cmd`;
return @output;
sub ensure_journaling ($$) {
my ($exec_host, $vol_id) = @_;
my $is_enabled = grep { /journaling/ } remote_rbd($exec_host, "info os-volumes/volume-$vol_id");
unless ($is_enabled) {
print "enabling journaling on volume $vol_id at $exec_host\n";
remote_rbd($exec_host, "feature enable os-volumes/volume-$vol_id journaling");
sub set_image_mirroring ($$$$) {
my ($exec_host, $vol_id, $state, $force) = @_;
my $cmd = "mirror image ";
if ($state) {
ensure_journaling($exec_host, $vol_id);
print "enabling mirroring of $vol_id on $exec_host\n";
$cmd .= 'enable ';
else {
print "disabling mirroring of $vol_id on $exec_host\n";
$cmd .= 'disable ';
$cmd .= "os-volumes/volume-$vol_id";
$cmd .= ' --force' if $force;
remote_rbd($exec_host, $cmd);
sub get_mirror_state($$) {
my ($host, $id) = @_;
my $state = {};
foreach my $line(remote_rbd($host, "mirror image status os-volumes/volume-$id")) {
next unless ($line =~/^ /);
chomp $line;
my $pos = index($line, ':');
my $key = substr($line, 0, $pos);
my $value = substr($line, $pos+1);
$key =~s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$state->{$key} = $value;
return $state;
sub wait_for_bootstrap($) {
my ($id) = @_;
my $json = JSON->new();
print ("waiting for initial bootstrap of volume $id\n");
my $synced = 0;
my $state;
while (!$synced) {
$state = get_mirror_state(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id);
if ($state->{state} ne 'up+replaying') {
print ("current state: ".$state->{state}." (".$state->{description}."), waiting 5 seconds\n");
} else {
$synced = 1;
print ("initial bootstrap done, state noew: ".$state->{state}."\n");
sub wait_for_sync($$) {
my ($id,$allowed_pending) = @_;
my $json = JSON->new();
print ("waiting for complete sync of volume $id\n");
my $synced = 0;
while (!$synced) {
my $state = get_mirror_state(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id);
if ($state->{state} eq 'up+replaying') {
my $line = $state->{description};
my $desc = $json->decode(substr($line, index($line,',')+1));
$synced = 1 if (defined ($desc->{entries_behind_primary}) && $desc->{entries_behind_primary} <= $allowed_pending);
unless ($synced) {
print "not synched yet, current state ".$state->{state}.", waiting 5 seconds\n";
sleep (5);
print "sync finished for instance $id\n";
sub get_instance_state($) {
my ($id) = @_;
my $state = `openstack server show -c status -f value $id`;
chomp $state;
return $state;
sub wait_for_instance_state($$) {
my ($id, $state) = @_;
print "waiting for instance $id to reach state $state\n";
while (1) {
my $current = get_instance_state($id);
last if ($state eq $current);
print "current state $current, waiting 5 seconds\n";
sub handle_instance_demotion($) {
my ($id) = @_;
# demote on old cluster
print "demoting image $id on old cluster\n";
remote_rbd(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "mirror image demote os-volumes/volume-$id");
print "waiting for demotion to reach new cluster\n";
while (1) {
my $state = get_mirror_state(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id);
last if ($state->{state} eq 'up+unknown') && $state->{description} eq 'remote image is non-primary';
print "state is ".$state->{state}."/".$state->{description}.", waiting 5 seconds\n";
print "promoting on new cluster\n";
remote_rbd(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "mirror image promote os-volumes/volume-$id");
while(1) {
my $state = get_mirror_state(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id);
last if ($state->{state} eq 'up+stopped' && $state->{description} eq 'local image is primary');
print "state is ".$state->{state}."/".$state->{description}.", waiting 5 seconds\n";
sub live_volume_migration {
my ($instance, @volumes) = @_;
my $successful = 0;
try {
# enable mirroring of volume(s) on old host
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
set_image_mirroring(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id, 1, 0);
# wait some seconds for mirroring to kick in
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
while (!grep { index($_, $id) != -1 } remote_rbd(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "-p os-volumes ls")) {
sleep (5);
print "volume $id present on new cluster\n";
# wait for first initial bootstrap to complete
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
try {
# perform a first round of synchronization
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
# pause the instance
print ("pausing instance $instance\n");
system("openstack server pause $instance");
wait_for_instance_state($instance, 'PAUSED');
# wait for mirroring to complete
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
# modify cinder database entry to point to new cluster
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
system (sprintf("echo 'update volumes set volume_type_id=\"%s\",host=\"%s\",service_uuid=\"%s\" where id=\"%s\"' | ssh -l root %s mysql cinder",
# demote rbd image on old cluster and promote it on new cluster
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
try {
# live migrate instance to renew domain block config
my $mig_opts = $ARGV[1] || "";
print "performing instance $instance live migration with options $mig_opts\n";
system ("openstack server migrate --live-migration --wait $mig_opts $instance");
#wait_for_instance_state($instance, 'PAUSED');
$successful = 1;
catch {
# if promotion or live migration fails, we need to promote images again on old cluster
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
no autodie;
print "error during live migration, promoting volume $id on old cluster again\n";
remote_rbd(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "mirror image demote os-volumes/volume-$id");
remote_rbd(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "mirror image promote os-volumes/volume-$id");
finally {
# unpause instance
print ("resuming instance $instance\n");
no autodie;
system ("openstack server unpause $instance");
finally {
# (force) disable mirroring of volume on old host
no autodie;
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
set_image_mirroring(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id, 0, 1);
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
set_image_mirroring(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id, 0, 1);
if ($successful) {
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
print "moving old image $id to trash\n";
remote_rbd(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "trash mv os-volumes/volume-$id");
sub cold_volume_migration {
my ($instance, @volumes) = @_;
my $successful = 0;
try {
# enable mirroring of volume(s) on old host
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
set_image_mirroring(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id, 1, 0);
# wait some seconds for mirroring to kick in
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
while (!grep { index($_, $id) != -1 } remote_rbd(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "-p os-volumes ls")) {
sleep (5);
print "volume $id present on new cluster\n";
# wait for first initial bootstrap to complete
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
# wait for mirroring to complete
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
# modify cinder database entry to point to new cluster
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
system (sprintf("echo 'update volumes set volume_type_id=\"%s\",host=\"%s\",service_uuid=\"%s\" where id=\"%s\"' | ssh -l root %s mysql cinder",
# demote rbd image on old cluster and promote it on new cluster
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
$successful = 1;
finally {
# (force) disable mirroring of volume on old host
no autodie;
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
set_image_mirroring(NEW_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id, 0, 1);
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
set_image_mirroring(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, $id, 0, 1);
if ($successful) {
foreach my $id (@volumes) {
print "moving old image $id to trash\n";
remote_rbd(OLD_CEPH_MGMT_HOST, "trash mv os-volumes/volume-$id");
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1) {
usage ("Not enough parameters.");
unless (defined($ENV{OS_PASSWORD})) {
usage ("No openstack configuration sourced.");
my $instance = $ARGV[0];
# check prerequisites
# - instance must have volumes
# - at least one volume must be present on the old cluster
my @volumes = get_volumes($instance);
if (scalar(@volumes) == 0) {
usage("No attached volumes found for instance $instance.");
my @old_volumes = grep { get_volume_type($_) eq OLD_CLUSTER } @volumes;
if (scalar(@old_volumes) == 0) {
usage("No volume on old cluster found for instance $instance.");
print "found volumes on old cluster: ".join(",",@old_volumes)."\n";
my $state = get_instance_state($instance);
if ($state eq 'ACTIVE') {
live_volume_migration($instance, @old_volumes);
elsif ($state eq 'SHUTOFF') {
cold_volume_migration($instance, @old_volumes);
else {
usage("Only running instances are supported at the moment, instance state is $state.");
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