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Created December 22, 2016 16:33
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  • Save BeOleg/9ed2d5a73d80902e3b2a801f64a87a29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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RUNNING_CONTAINER=$(docker ps -q --filter "ancestor=$BOX_NAME" --filter name="wercker-pipeline-" --filter status=running)
function use_running_container {
coverage_cmd="coverage erase"
coverage_cmd="${coverage_cmd} && coverage run --source='.' test -v 3 --pattern='test_*.py'"
coverage_cmd="${coverage_cmd} && coverage report "
coverage_cmd="${coverage_cmd} && coverage html -d cover"
echo "${coverage_cmd}"
static_validation_cmd="cd /pipeline/source && ./"
backend_tests="cd /pipeline/source && export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=nexchange.settings_test && ${coverage_cmd}"
frontend_tests="cd /pipeline/source && PHANTOMJS_BIN=node_modules/.bin/phantomjs npm run-script test"
docker exec -t ${RUNNING_CONTAINER} bash -c "${static_validation_cmd}" &&
docker exec -t ${RUNNING_CONTAINER} bash -c "${backend_tests}" &&
docker exec -t ${RUNNING_CONTAINER} bash -c "${frontend_tests}"
function use_wercker {
wercker build --direct-mount --pipeline static-validation &&
wercker build --direct-mount --pipeline tests
autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive **/**/**py
if [ -z "${RUNNING_CONTAINER}" ]; then
echo -e "\e[33mDid not found a running container for the nexchange project. Starting one to execute the pre-commit hook.\e[39m"
echo -e "\e[32mRunning pre-commit hook inside the container with id ${RUNNING_CONTAINER}, which is believed to be nexchange dev.\e[39m"
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