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Created May 27, 2023 07:36
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// Name: Show Scraped Apartments
import '@johnlindquist/kit';
import { Choice } from '@johnlindquist/kit';
import { z } from 'zod';
const ScrapedItemSchema = z.object({
id: z.string(),
address: z.string(),
neighborhood: z.string().optional(),
city: z.string().optional(),
price: z.number(),
description: z.string(),
imageUrl: z.string(),
const AnalyzedItemSchema = z.object({
id: z.string(),
score: z.number(),
explanation: z.string(),
hide: z.boolean().optional()
const ScrapedItemMapSchema = z.record(z.string(), ScrapedItemSchema);
const AnalyzedItemListSchema = z.array(AnalyzedItemSchema);
const apartments = await db('_apartment-scraper', { scraped: {} as z.infer<typeof ScrapedItemMapSchema>, analyzed: [] as z.infer<typeof AnalyzedItemListSchema> });
const scoreAsStars = (score: number) => '⭐'.repeat(Math.round(score / 2));
const scaledImageUrl = (url: string) => url.replace(/w=\d&h=\d/, 'w=1000&h=1000').replace(/c=\d/, 'c=0');
const previewApartment = (scraped: z.infer<typeof ScrapedItemSchema>, analyzed: z.infer<typeof AnalyzedItemSchema>) => /*html*/`
<div class="flex flex-col" style="gap: 10px">
<div dir="rtl">
<h2>${ scraped.address } (${ scraped.price }₪)</h2>
<h4>${ scraped.neighborhood }, ${ }</h4>
<p>${ scraped.description }</p>
<h2 class="text-center">Analysis</h2>
<p>${ scoreAsStars(analyzed.score) } ${ analyzed.score }</p>
<p>Explanation: ${ analyzed.explanation }</p>
<img class="w-full" src="${ scaledImageUrl(scraped.imageUrl) }" />
const apartmentById = (id: string) => apartments.scraped[id];
const hideApartment = async (id: string) =>
const whyNot = await mini('Why are you hiding this apartment?');
Object.assign(apartments.analyzed.find(a => === id)!, { hide: true, whyNot });
await apartments.write();
main(); // Previously hidden by the explanation prompt
const createChoices = () => apartments.analyzed.filter(a => !a.hide).map(a => ({
html: /*html*/`
<!-- Create a tailwind defined template to display a list item for the apartment, which includes: the address, description, score as star emojis-->
<div class="flex flex-col relative p-2 overflow-x-auto" dir="rtl">
<h2 class="text-right">${ apartmentById( } <small>${ scoreAsStars(a.score) } (${ a.score })</small></h2>
<p class="text-sm">${ apartmentById( }</p>
name: apartmentById(,
description: apartmentById(,
className: 'p-2',
value: a,
preview: () => previewApartment(apartments.scraped[], a)
}) satisfies Choice<typeof a>);
let lastChoiceId = '';
async function main()
while (true)
const choice = await arg({
placeholder: 'Choose an apartment',
ignoreBlur: true,
defaultChoiceId: lastChoiceId,
x: 0, y: 0,
height: 1500,
width: 1000,
shortcuts: [
key: 'delete',
name: 'Hide apartment',
bar: 'right',
onPress(_, state)
if (!state.focused) return;
return hideApartment(!);
}, createChoices);
const apartment = { ...choice,[] };
lastChoiceId =;
open(`${ }`);
await main();
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