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Created June 15, 2022 22:16
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The problem

I've always been serious about maintaining good wallet hygiene. This has resulted in an absurd amount of addresses over the years. To track them all I use etherscan. There are several problems with using etherscan for tracking address notes. A few are:

  1. Etherscan is centralized
  2. Etherscan notes aren't visible in other wallets and websites. This results in having notes in a variety of places ..., Rotki, Metamask, etc.
  3. Etherscan's solution to public notes is Disqus which is centralized and always blocked by adlbockers.

This problem is not isolated to ethereum and a good solution will be chain agnostic.

The solution

My vision for the solution is to create an address notes standard that can be recognized by the multitude of clients out there. Currently I'm proposing that it would be a JSON object that would look like this:

      "0x223c067F8CF28ae173EE5CafEa60cA44C335fecB" : {
        "label": "urbit meta",
        "notes": "urbit is super meta. and the notes section is much bigger than the label",
        "chains": [
        "tags": [
        "belongsToMe": false,
        "public": false

So the key is a blockchain address and the value is an object with that address's metadata. There are a few examples of this in the Appendicitis.

We can bootstrap this project by just making a chrome extension that allows for scraping personal address notes from websites like and etherscan. I've already built the following scrapers/injectors:

  3. Etherscan

The etherscan scraper was built as a chrome extension. I think it would be really great if the extension could scan any webpage for any addresses and create a hover dialogue box for easy note creation.

Appendicitis 😂

Here are the formats that a few of the current wallets are doing:

  • metamask:
    • {
        "address": "0x223c067F8CF28ae173EE5CafEa60cA44C335fecB",
        "lastSelected": 1631301587473,
        "name": "2- get your urbit on"
  • frame:
    • {
          "id": "0x223c067F8CF28ae173EE5CafEa60cA44C335fecB",
          "name": "urbit",
          "lastSignerType": "seed",
          "address": "0x223c067F8CF28ae173EE5CafEa60cA44C335fecB",
          "status": "ok",
          "signer": "3343323362316332633832633939623539323765393763356235373431616439",
          "requests": {},
          "ensName": null,
          "tokens": {},
          "created": "13271298:1632252236169"
    • {
          "address": "0x223c067F8CF28ae173EE5CafEa60cA44C335fecB",
          "avatarUri": null,
          "ens": null,
          "isActive": false,
          "isBitcoin": false,
          "isConnected": true,
          "name": "urbit on trezor",

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