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Created July 28, 2019 11:42
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Another take on trying to fix FlxSliceSprite on MacOS
package flixel.addons.display;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxStrip;
import flixel.math.FlxMath;
import flixel.math.FlxPoint;
import flixel.math.FlxRect;
import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxGraphicAsset;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil;
import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil;
* Sprite which can be used for various sorts of slicing (9-slice, 3 slice, tiled sprite but without scrolling).
* Based on Kyle Pulver's NineSlice class for FlashPunk:
* @author kpulv
* @author Zaphod
* @since 2.1.0
class FlxSliceSprite extends FlxStrip
static inline var TOP_LEFT:Int = 0;
static inline var TOP:Int = 1;
static inline var TOP_RIGHT:Int = 2;
static inline var LEFT:Int = 3;
static inline var CENTER:Int = 4;
static inline var RIGHT:Int = 5;
static inline var BOTTOM_LEFT:Int = 6;
static inline var BOTTOM:Int = 7;
static inline var BOTTOM_RIGHT:Int = 8;
static var helperRect:FlxRect = new FlxRect();
static var helperSize:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();
static var helperDst:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();
static var helperBdSize:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint();
* Whether to adjust sprite's width to slice grid or not.
public var snapWidth(default, set):Bool = false;
* Whether to adjust sprite's height to slice grid or not.
public var snapHeight(default, set):Bool = false;
* Whether to use tiling or to stretch left border of the sprite.
public var stretchLeft(default, set):Bool = false;
* Whether to use tiling or to stretch top border of the sprite.
public var stretchTop(default, set):Bool = false;
* Whether to use tiling or to stretch right border of the sprite.
public var stretchRight(default, set):Bool = false;
* Whether to use tiling or to stretch bottom border of the sprite.
public var stretchBottom(default, set):Bool = false;
* Whether to use tiling or to stretch center part of the sprite.
public var stretchCenter(default, set):Bool = false;
* Whether to fill center part of sprite.
public var fillCenter(default, set):Bool = true;
* Rectangle that defines slice grid:
public var sliceRect(default, set):FlxRect;
* Rectangle that defines what part of source image to use as a texture for slicing.
public var sourceRect(default, set):FlxRect;
* Actual width of the sprite which will be visible.
* Its calculation is based on snapWidth and sliceRect values.
public var snappedWidth(get, null):Float;
* Actual height of the sprite which will be visible.
* Its calculation is based on snapHeight and sliceRect values.
public var snappedHeight(get, null):Float;
* Internal array of FlxRect objects for each element of slice grid.
var sliceRects:Array<FlxRect>;
* Helper sprite, which does actual rendering in blit render mode.
var renderSprite:FlxSprite;
var regen:Bool = true;
var regenSlices:Bool = true;
var helperFrame:FlxFrame;
var _snappedWidth:Float = -1;
var _snappedHeight:Float = -1;
* Current number of vertices
var numVertices:Int = 0;
public function new(Graphic:FlxGraphicAsset, SliceRect:FlxRect, Width:Float, Height:Float, ?SourceRect:FlxRect)
if (renderSprite == null)
renderSprite = new FlxSprite();
sliceRects = [];
for (i in 0...9)
sliceRects[i] = new FlxRect();
repeat = true;
sliceRect = SliceRect;
sourceRect = SourceRect;
width = Width;
height = Height;
override public function destroy():Void
sliceRect = null;
sliceRects = null;
helperFrame = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(helperFrame);
renderSprite = FlxDestroyUtil.destroy(renderSprite);
override public function loadGraphic(Graphic:FlxGraphicAsset, Animated:Bool = false, Width:Int = 0, Height:Int = 0, Unique:Bool = false,
graphic = FlxG.bitmap.add(Graphic);
return this;
public function loadFrame(Frame:FlxFrame):FlxSliceSprite
graphic = FlxGraphic.fromFrame(Frame);
return this;
override function set_graphic(Value:FlxGraphic):FlxGraphic
if (graphic != Value)
regen = regenSlices = true;
return super.set_graphic(Value);
function regenGraphic():Void
if (!regen || graphic == null)
if (regenSlices)
var topLeft:FlxRect = sliceRects[TOP_LEFT];
var topMiddle:FlxRect = sliceRects[TOP];
var topRight:FlxRect = sliceRects[TOP_RIGHT];
var middleLeft:FlxRect = sliceRects[LEFT];
var middle:FlxRect = sliceRects[CENTER];
var middleRight:FlxRect = sliceRects[RIGHT];
var bottomLeft:FlxRect = sliceRects[BOTTOM_LEFT];
var bottomMiddle:FlxRect = sliceRects[BOTTOM];
var bottomRight:FlxRect = sliceRects[BOTTOM_RIGHT];
var centerWidth:Float = width - middleLeft.width - middleRight.width;
var centerHeight:Float = height - topMiddle.height - bottomMiddle.height;
if (snapWidth)
centerWidth = Math.floor((width - middleLeft.width - middleRight.width) / middle.width) * middle.width;
centerWidth = Math.max(centerWidth, middle.width);
if (snapHeight)
centerHeight = Math.floor((height - topMiddle.height - bottomMiddle.height) / middle.height) * middle.height;
centerHeight = Math.max(centerHeight, middle.height);
_snappedWidth = centerWidth + middleLeft.width + middleRight.width;
_snappedHeight = centerHeight + topMiddle.height + bottomMiddle.height;
var centerX = topLeft.width;
var centerY = topLeft.height;
var bdSize:FlxPoint = helperBdSize.set(graphic.width, graphic.height);
var dst:FlxPoint = helperDst;
var slice:FlxRect = helperRect;
var size:FlxPoint = helperSize;
var numHorizontal:Int = Math.ceil((_snappedWidth - topLeft.width - topRight.width) / topMiddle.width);
var numVertical:Int = Math.ceil((_snappedHeight - topLeft.height - bottomLeft.height) / middleLeft.height);
numVertices = 0;
if (fillCenter)
// fill central tiles:
if (stretchCenter)
size.set(_snappedWidth - middleLeft.width - middleRight.width, _snappedHeight - topMiddle.height - bottomMiddle.height);
dst.set(topLeft.width, topLeft.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
for (i in 0...numHorizontal)
slice.width = middle.width;
if (i == numHorizontal - 1)
slice.width = _snappedWidth - middleLeft.width - middleRight.width - (numHorizontal - 1) * middle.width;
for (j in 0...numVertical)
slice.height = middle.height;
if (j == numVertical - 1)
slice.height = _snappedHeight - topMiddle.height - bottomMiddle.height - (numVertical - 1) * middle.height;
size.set(slice.width, slice.height);
dst.set(topLeft.width + i * middle.width, topLeft.height + j * middle.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
if (stretchTop)
size.set(_snappedWidth - topLeft.width - topRight.width, topMiddle.height);
dst.set(topLeft.width, 0);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
for (i in 0...numHorizontal)
if (i == numHorizontal - 1)
slice.width = _snappedWidth - topLeft.width - topRight.width - (numHorizontal - 1) * topMiddle.width;
size.set(slice.width, slice.height);
dst.set(topLeft.width + i * topMiddle.width, 0);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
if (stretchBottom)
dst.set(bottomLeft.width, _snappedHeight - bottomMiddle.height);
size.set(_snappedWidth - bottomLeft.width - bottomRight.width, bottomMiddle.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
for (i in 0...numHorizontal)
if (i == numHorizontal - 1)
slice.width = _snappedWidth - bottomLeft.width - bottomRight.width - (numHorizontal - 1) * bottomMiddle.width;
dst.set(bottomLeft.width + i * bottomMiddle.width, _snappedHeight - bottomMiddle.height);
size.set(slice.width, slice.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
if (stretchLeft)
dst.set(0, topLeft.height);
size.set(middleLeft.width, _snappedHeight - topLeft.height - bottomLeft.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
for (i in 0...numVertical)
if (i == numVertical - 1)
slice.height = _snappedHeight - topLeft.height - bottomLeft.height - (numVertical - 1) * middleLeft.height;
dst.set(0, topLeft.height + i * middleLeft.height);
size.set(slice.width, slice.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
if (stretchRight)
dst.set(_snappedWidth - middleRight.width, topRight.height);
size.set(middleRight.width, _snappedHeight - topRight.height - bottomRight.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
for (i in 0...numVertical)
if (i == numVertical - 1)
slice.height = _snappedHeight - topRight.height - bottomRight.height - (numVertical - 1) * middleRight.height;
dst.set(_snappedWidth - middleRight.width, topRight.height + i * middleRight.height);
size.set(slice.width, slice.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, slice, dst, bdSize, size);
// draw corners:
// 1. top left
dst.set(0, 0);
size.set(topLeft.width, topLeft.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, topLeft, dst, bdSize, size);
// 2. bottom left
dst.set(0, _snappedHeight - bottomLeft.height);
size.set(bottomLeft.width, bottomLeft.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, bottomLeft, dst, bdSize, size);
// 3. top right
dst.set(_snappedWidth - topRight.width, 0);
size.set(topRight.width, topRight.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, topRight, dst, bdSize, size);
// 4. bottom right
dst.set(_snappedWidth - bottomRight.width, _snappedHeight - bottomRight.height);
size.set(bottomRight.width, bottomRight.height);
numVertices = stretchSlice(numVertices, bottomRight, dst, bdSize, size);
if (FlxG.renderBlit)
if (renderSprite.width != _snappedWidth || renderSprite.height != _snappedHeight)
renderSprite.makeGraphic(,, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT, true);
_flashRect2.setTo(0, 0, _snappedWidth, _snappedHeight);
renderSprite.pixels.fillRect(_flashRect2, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT);
FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfx.drawTriangles(vertices, indices, uvtData);
renderSprite.pixels.draw(FlxSpriteUtil.flashGfxSprite, null, colorTransform);
renderSprite.dirty = true;
var c:FlxColor = color;
c.alphaFloat = alpha;
regen = false;
function stretchSlice(vertex:Int, slice:FlxRect, dst:FlxPoint, bdSize:FlxPoint, size:FlxPoint):Int
// there are 2 values per vertex:
var vertexIndex:Int = 2 * vertex;
var uvIndex:Int = vertexIndex;
var colorIndex:Int = vertex;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.x;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.y;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.x + size.x;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.y;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.x + size.x;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.y + size.y;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.x;
vertices[vertexIndex++] = dst.y + size.y;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.x / bdSize.x;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.y / bdSize.y;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.right / bdSize.x;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.y / bdSize.y;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.right / bdSize.x;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.bottom / bdSize.y;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.x / bdSize.x;
uvtData[uvIndex++] = slice.bottom / bdSize.y;
// there are 6 indices per slice, which have 4 vertices per vertex:
var indexPosition:Int = Math.round(6 * vertex / 4);
indices[indexPosition++] = vertex + 0;
indices[indexPosition++] = vertex + 1;
indices[indexPosition++] = vertex + 2;
indices[indexPosition++] = vertex + 0;
indices[indexPosition++] = vertex + 2;
indices[indexPosition++] = vertex + 3;
return vertex + 4;
function regenSliceRects():Void
if (!regenSlices || graphic == null || sliceRect == null)
var sourceWidth:Int = graphic.width;
var sourceHeight:Int = graphic.height;
var rectX:Float =, 0, sourceWidth));
var rectY:Float =, 0, sourceHeight));
var rectX2:Float =, rectX, sourceWidth));
var rectY2:Float =, rectY, sourceHeight));
var sourceX:Float = 0;
var sourceY:Float = 0;
if (sourceRect != null)
sourceX =, 0, sourceWidth));
sourceY =, 0, sourceHeight));
sourceWidth = + sourceRect.width, 0, sourceWidth));
sourceHeight = + sourceRect.height, 0, sourceHeight));
rectX += sourceX;
rectY += sourceY;
rectX2 += sourceX;
rectY2 += sourceY;
// fill all 9 slice rectangles:
var xArray:Array<Float> = [sourceX, rectX, rectX2, sourceWidth];
var yArray:Array<Float> = [sourceY, rectY, rectY2, sourceHeight];
for (i in 0...3)
for (j in 0...3)
rectX = xArray[j];
rectX2 = xArray[j + 1];
rectY = yArray[i];
rectY2 = yArray[i + 1];
sliceRects[i * 3 + j].set(rectX, rectY, rectX2 - rectX, rectY2 - rectY);
regenSlices = false;
override public function draw():Void
if (regen)
if (FlxG.renderBlit)
renderSprite.x = x;
renderSprite.y = y;
renderSprite.scrollFactor.set(scrollFactor.x, scrollFactor.y);
renderSprite.cameras = cameras;
function updateColors(color:FlxColor):Void
for (i in 0...numVertices)
colors[i] = color;
override function set_alpha(Alpha:Float):Float
if (alpha == Alpha)
return Alpha;
var newAlpha:Float = super.set_alpha(Alpha);
if (FlxG.renderBlit && renderSprite != null)
renderSprite.alpha = newAlpha;
else if (FlxG.renderTile)
var c:FlxColor = color;
c.alphaFloat = newAlpha;
regen = true;
return newAlpha;
override function set_color(Color:FlxColor):FlxColor
if (FlxG.renderBlit && renderSprite != null)
renderSprite.color = Color;
else if (FlxG.renderTile)
var newColor:FlxColor = Color;
newColor.alphaFloat = alpha;
return super.set_color(Color);
override function set_width(Width:Float):Float
if (Width <= 0)
return Width;
if (Width != width)
regen = true;
return super.set_width(Width);
override function set_height(Height:Float):Float
if (Height <= 0)
return Height;
if (Height != height)
regen = true;
return super.set_height(Height);
function set_snapWidth(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != snapWidth)
regen = true;
return snapWidth = Value;
function set_snapHeight(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != snapHeight)
regen = true;
return snapHeight = Value;
function set_stretchLeft(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != stretchLeft)
regen = true;
return stretchLeft = Value;
function set_stretchTop(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != stretchTop)
regen = true;
return stretchTop = Value;
function set_stretchRight(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != stretchRight)
regen = true;
return stretchRight = Value;
function set_stretchBottom(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != stretchBottom)
regen = true;
return stretchBottom = Value;
function set_stretchCenter(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != stretchCenter)
regen = true;
return stretchCenter = Value;
function set_fillCenter(Value:Bool):Bool
if (Value != fillCenter)
regen = true;
return fillCenter = Value;
function set_sliceRect(Value:FlxRect):FlxRect
regen = regenSlices = true;
return sliceRect = Value;
function set_sourceRect(Value:FlxRect):FlxRect
regen = regenSlices = true;
return sourceRect = Value;
function get_snappedWidth():Float
if (regen)
return _snappedWidth;
function get_snappedHeight():Float
if (regen)
return _snappedHeight;
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