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Created December 25, 2012 18:05
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//Average case: O(log(n)), Worst case: O(n/2) => O(n)
void run() {
String[] strings = {"at", "", "", "", "ball", "byd", "", "car", "", "", "dad", "", ""};
String strToFind = "byd";
System.out.printf("IndexOf \"%s\": %d%n", strToFind, search(strings, strToFind));
int search(String[] strings, String find) {
if(strings == null || strings.length == 0 || find == null || find.length() == 0)
return -1;
return searchRec(strings, find, 0, strings.length-1);
int searchRec(String[] strings, String find, int low, int high) {
if(low > high)
return -1;
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
//Find the next non-empty string
if(strings[mid].isEmpty()) {
int lo = mid;
int hi = mid;
while(true) {
if(lo-- < low || hi++ > high)
return -1;
if(lo >= low && !strings[lo].isEmpty()) {
mid = lo;
if(hi <= high && !strings[hi].isEmpty()) {
mid = hi;
//Normal binary search from here
if(strings[mid].compareTo(find) > 0)
return searchRec(strings, find, low, mid-1);
if(strings[mid].compareTo(find) < 0)
return searchRec(strings, find, mid+1, high);
return mid;
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