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Last active February 24, 2023 12:11
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Papyrus function to isolates the specified digits in a number using the given radix.
;/ Isolates the specified digits in a number using the given radix.
@param hex The number to isolate the digits from.
@param firstDigit The index of the first digit to isolate.
@param lastDigit The index of the last digit to isolate. Pass `-1` to isolate all digits after firstDigit.
@param radix The radix to use. Defaults to 16 for hexadecimal.
int function isolateDigits(int hex, int firstDigit, int lastDigit, int radix = 16)
int firstDigitMult = Math.pow(radix, firstDigit)
int placeTooHighVal = Math.pow(radix, lastDigit + 1)
return Math.floor(hex / firstDigitMult) % placeTooHighVal
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