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Created December 29, 2022 12:57
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Smart contract general structure
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
contract GeneralStructure{
// state variables
uint public stateUintVariable;
string stateStringVariable;
address owner;
Person person;
// enumeration
enum Gender{male, female}
// struct
struct Person{
string name;
uint age;
Gender gender;
bool isEmployed;
uint[] bankAccountNumbers;
// mapping
mapping(address => Person) people;
// constructor
constructor(uint _stateUintVariable, string memory _stateStringVariable){
owner = msg.sender;
stateUintVariable = _stateUintVariable;
stateStringVariable = _stateStringVariable;
// modifier
modifier onlyBy(){
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner");
// event
event ageRead(address, uint);
// function
function addPerson(address _addressIdentifier, string memory _name, uint _age, bool _isEmployed) public {
Person memory newHuman = Person(_name, _age, Gender.male, _isEmployed, new uint[](3));
people[_addressIdentifier] = newHuman;
// function
function getAge(address _addressIdentifier) onlyBy() external returns (uint age){
person = people[_addressIdentifier];
emit ageRead(_addressIdentifier, person.age);
return person.age;
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