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Created September 25, 2014 13:50
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Save Bellfalasch/801965e7fc0ddefea1cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
equalHeightAdjacents v2 - make objects in a two column list equal height horizontally OR a three column list equal height
// Divs (or whatever) floating side by side on rows of 2 or 3 each need to have equal height to float pretty. Majsonry-plugins doesn't make them equal height even though they handle the float-issues. This snippet makes all boxes on the same row equal height by finding the tallest box and setting the others to the same height.
// Disclaimer: should have been rewritten to arrays to support any amount of columns ... but yeah, "tomorrow" right? ;P
// If you toggle visibility on elements, re-call this function again like so:
// equalHeightAdjacents( $(".cards:visible") );
function equalHeightAdjacents( elems ) {
// Make Tema cards equal height per row so we don't get holes when using float
var cardleft, cardmid, cardright;
var cardleft_h = 0;
var cardmid_h = 0;
var cardright_h = 0;
var cardhighest = 0;
var columns = 2;
var i = 0;
// If we have a sidebar, expect 2 cards per row
// Otherwise expect 3 cards per row
if ( ! $("#sidebar1").length ) { // If element #sidebar is found we have 2 columns, otherwise 3
columns = 3;
$(".rutinekort").css("width","31.3%"); // Resize cards
// Check the height of all the cards, adjust as needed
$(elems).each( function() {
// Store the cell and its height (check which element we're at now)
if ( cardleft_h === 0 ) {
cardleft = $(this);
cardleft_h = cardleft.outerHeight(false);
} else if ( cardmid_h === 0 && columns === 3 ) { // Only use the mid-card if we have three columns
cardmid = $(this);
cardmid_h = cardmid.outerHeight(false);
} else if ( cardright_h === 0 ) {
cardright = $(this);
cardright_h = cardright.outerHeight(false);
// Check if last column on this row
if ( i % columns === 0 ) {
// Assign the highest height to entire column
if ( cardleft_h > 0 && cardright_h > 0 ) {
// Find the tallest card
if ( cardleft_h >= cardright_h ) {
cardhighest = cardleft_h;
} else {
cardhighest = cardright_h;
if ( cardmid_h > cardhighest ) {
cardhighest = cardmid_h;
if ( columns === 3 ) {
cardmid.css('height', cardhighest + 'px');
// Set height on left and right card
cardleft.css('height', cardhighest + 'px');
cardright.css('height', cardhighest + 'px');
// Reset stored values for next row
cardleft_h = 0;
cardright_h = 0;
cardmid_h = 0;
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