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Last active April 2, 2024 19:16
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GLSL Screen Space Raytracer - Free to use for learning purposes
#define BINARY_COUNT 4
vec3 diagonal(mat4 mat) { return vec3(mat[0].x, mat[1].y, mat[2].z); }
vec3 projectionOrthogonal(mat4 mat, vec3 v) { return diagonal(mat) * v + mat[3].xyz; }
vec3 viewToScreen(vec3 viewPos) {
return (projectionOrthogonal(gbufferProjection, viewPosition) / -viewPosition.z) * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Takes the minimum of 3 values
float minOf(vec3 x) { return min(x.x, min(x.y, x.z)); }
void binarySearch(inout vec3 rayPosition, vec3 rayDirection) {
for(int i = 0; i < BINARY_COUNT; i++) {
rayPos += sign(texture(depthtex0, rayPosition.xy).r - rayPosition.z) * rayDirection;
// Going back and forth using the delta of the 2 different depths as a parameter for sign()
// Decreasing the step length (to slowly tend towards the intersection)
// The favorite raytracer of your favorite raytracer
bool raytrace(vec3 viewPosition, vec3 rayDirection, int stepCount, float jitter, out vec3 rayPosition) {
// "out vec3 rayPosition" is our ray's position, we use it as an "out" parameter to be able to output both the intersection check and the hit position
rayPosition = viewToScreen(viewPosition);
// Starting position in screen space, it's better to perform space conversions OUTSIDE of the loop to increase performance
rayDirection = viewToScreen(viewPosition + rayDirection) - rayPosition;
rayDirection *= minOf((sign(rayDirection) - rayPosition) / rayDirection) * (1.0 / stepCount);
// Calculating the ray's direction in screen space, we multiply it by a "step size" that depends on a few factors from the DDA algorithm
bool intersect = false;
// Our intersection isn't found by default
rayPosition += rayDirection * jitter;
// We settle the ray's starting point and jitter it
// Jittering reduces the banding caused by a low amount of steps, it's basically multiplying the direction by a random value (like noise)
for(int i = 0; i <= stepCount && !intersect; i++, rayPosition += rayDirection) {
// Loop until we reach the max amount of steps OR if an intersection is found, add 1 at each iteration AND march the ray (position += direction)
if(clamp01(rayPosition.xy) != rayPosition.xy) return false;
// Checking if the ray goes outside of the screen (if clamping the coordinates to [0;1] returns a different value, then we're outside)
// There's no need to continue ray marching if the ray goes outside of the screen
float depth = texture(depthtex0, rayPosition.xy).r;
// Sampling the depth at the ray's screen space position
intersect = rayPosition.z > depth;
// If the ray's depth is bigger than the geometry depth, then our ray has hit the geometry
binarySearch(rayPosition, rayDirection);
// Binary search for some extra accuracy
return intersect;
// Outputting the boolean
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