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Belorum / Firefox Send for Windows Command Line.ps1
Created March 14, 2019 09:30
This script will download the command line tool for Firefox Send that was created by Tim Visée and place it directly into your C:\Windows\System32\ folder so that it is accessible via the command line on your system.
Downloads FireFox Send executable made by Tim Visée -
Current Version ffsend v0.2.30 as of 03-14-19
Script made by John Davis @John_Davis -
Net Session 2>&1 > $null
if ( $? -eq "False" ) {
$Current_Time = Get-Date
@echo off
REM Prevents Bad Rabbit Ransomware
REM Vaccine by Amit Serper @0xAmit
REM I added a line that removes inheritance from the command line instead of editing via the GUI
REM Creates infpub.dat and cscc.dat in the C:\Windows directory
echo This file is a vaccine for Bad Rabbit Ransomware, please do not remove. > C:\Windows\infpub.dat && echo This file is a vaccine for Bad Rabbit Ransomware, please do not remove. > C:\Windows\cscc.dat
REM Removes inheritance from previously created files
icacls C:\Windows\infpub.dat /inheritance:r /remove Administrators && icacls C:\Windows\cscc.dat /inheritance:r /remove Administrators