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Forked from jamescasbon/
Created October 12, 2013 08:57
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Backbone.js handler and mongodb based handler for Tornado.
`BackboneHandler` handles the sync protocol for Backbone.js. Inherit
from the class and implement the model methods:
* create_model
* update_model
* get_model
* delete_model
* get_collection
Optionally implement is_get_collection for complex url routing schemes.
`MongoBackboneHandler` implements these methods using a mongodb database.
Inherit and implement the:
* model_query
* collection_query
* is_get_collection
methods to map url arguments into database queries. Also optionally implement:
* before_create
* before_update
* validate
To validate and insert data into a document before a create/update
TODO: async version
import json
import tornado.web
import tornado.httpserver
import pymongo
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
class BackboneHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, auth=True):
self.auth = auth
def prepare(self):
""" authenticate user if required """
if self.auth:
if not self.current_user:
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(403)
def encode(self, data):
return json.dumps(data)
def decode(self, data):
return self.loads(data)
# HTTP Verbs / Backbone.js API
def get(self, *args):
""" return the collection or a model """
if self.is_get_collection(*args):
model = self.get_model(*args)
if model:
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
def post(self, *args):
""" create a model """
resp = self.create_model(self.decode(self.request.body), *args)
def put(self, *args):
""" update a model """
resp = self.update_model(self.decode(self.request.body), *args)
def delete(self, *args):
""" delete a model """
# Extension points
def is_get_collection(self, *args):
""" return true if this get is for a collection """
return len(args) == 0
def create_model(self, model, *args):
""" create model and return a dictionary of updated attributes """
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
def get_collection(self, *args):
""" return the collection """
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
def get_model(self, *args):
""" return a model, return None to indicate not found """
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
def update_model(self, model, *args):
""" update a model """
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
def delete_model(self, *args):
""" delete a model """
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
class MongoBackboneHandler(BackboneHandler):
def initialize(self, database=None, **kws):
BackboneHandler.initialize(self, **kws)
self.database = database
# BackboneHandler extension
def encode(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, pymongo.cursor.Cursor):
if '_id' in data:
data['_id'] = str(data['_id'])
return json.dumps(data)
else: # we have a cursor
data = list(data)
for d in data:
if '_id' in d:
d['_id'] = str(d['_id'])
return json.dumps(data)
def decode(self, data):
data = json.loads(data)
if '_id' in data:
data['_id'] = ObjectId(data['_id'])
return data
def create_model(self, model):
if not self.validate(model):
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(400)
updates = self.before_create(model)
mid = str(self.database.insert(model))
updates['_id'] = mid
return updates
def get_collection(self, *args):
return self.database.find(self.collection_query(*args))
def get_model(self, *args):
return self.database.find_one(self.model_query(*args))
def update_model(self, model, *args):
updates = self.before_update(model)
self.database.update(self.model_query(*args), model)
return updates
def delete_model(self, *args):
# Extension points
def collection_query(self, *args):
""" return the query to find a collection from a list of url args """
return None
def model_query(self, *args):
""" return the query to find a model """
return {'_id': ObjectId(args[-1])}
def validate(self, model):
""" return False to to disallow this model """
return True
def before_create(self, model):
""" return any extra attributes you want to add to the model """
return {}
def before_update(self, model):
return {}
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'backbone':
class TestHandler(BackboneHandler):
def get_current_user(self):
""" we want to check auth/noauth """
return 'test'
models = [dict(id=str(i), text='X' * i) for i in range(10)]
def _find(self, cid):
ms = [x for x in self.models if x['id'] == cid]
return ms[0] if ms else None
def create_model(self, model):
model['id'] = str(max([int(x['id']) for x in self.models]) + 1)
print 'created', model
return dict(id = model['id'])
def get_collection(self):
return self.models
def get_model(self, cid):
return self._find(cid)
def update_model(self, model, cid):
print 'updating', cid, model
self.models[self.models.index(self._find(cid))] = model
def delete_model(self, cid):
print 'deleting'
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/api", TestHandler),
(r"/api/(.+)", TestHandler),
import tornado.testing
import unittest
import urllib
class Handler(MongoBackboneHandler):
def before_create(self, model):
return dict(created=10)
class TestMongo(tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.conn = pymongo.Connection()
self.db = self.conn['bh_test']
self.coll = self.db['bh_test']
self.doc = self.coll.insert(dict(a=1, b=2))
def tearDown(self):
def get_app(self):
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/api/", Handler, dict(database=self.coll, auth=False)),
(r"/api/(.+)", Handler, dict(database=self.coll,
def test_get_model(self):
response = self.fetch('/api/' + str(self.doc), method='GET')
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
model = json.loads(response.body)
self.assertEqual(model['_id'], str(self.doc))
self.assertEqual(model['a'], 1)
def test_get_collection(self):
response = self.fetch('/api/', method='GET')
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
models = json.loads(response.body)
self.assertEqual(len(models), 1)
self.assertEqual(models[0]['a'], 1)
def test_create_model(self):
post_args = {'email': ''}
response = self.fetch('/api/', method='POST',
resp = json.loads(response.body)
self.assertTrue('_id' in resp)
self.assertEqual(resp['created'], 10)
def test_update_model(self):
response = self.fetch('/api/' + str(self.doc), method='GET')
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
model = json.loads(response.body)
model['foo'] = '1234'
response = self.fetch('/api/' + str(self.doc), method='PUT',
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
doc = self.coll.find_one(self.doc)
self.assertEqual(doc['foo'], '1234')
def test_delete_model(self):
response = self.fetch('/api/' + str(self.doc), method='DELETE')
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
doc = self.coll.find_one(self.doc)
self.assertEqual(doc, None)
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