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Created February 22, 2021 21:22
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Node CDNsun URL Signing Token

CDNsun URL Signing Token

This is a Node.js implementation of the CDNsun URL Signing Token function as described here.

It requires on CryptoJs.

const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js')
function generateSignedUrl(scheme = "http", cdnResourceUrl, filePath = "/", secretKey, expiryTimestamp = "", clientIp = "") {
if (scheme === '' || cdnResourceUrl === '') {
throw new Error('First argument "scheme" and/or second argument "cdnResourceUrl" cannot be empty.');
// NOTE: We adhere to ngx_secure_link_module hashing strategy
// Ref:
let searchChars = ['+', '/', '='];
let replaceChars = ['-', '_', ''];
// 1. Setup Token Key
// 1.1 Append leading slash if missing
if (filePath[0] != '/') {
filePath = `/${filePath}`;
// 1.2 Extract uri, ignore arguments
let pos = filePath.indexOf('?')
if (pos != -1) {
filePath = $filePath.substring(0, pos);
// 1.3 Formulate the token key
tokenKey = expiryTimestamp + filePath + secretKey + clientIp;
let secureString = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify((CryptoJS.MD5(tokenKey)));
for (replace in searchChars) {
secureString = secureString.replace(new RegExp(`\\${searchChars[replace]}`, 'g'), replaceChars[replace])
// 2. Setup URL
// 2.1 Append argument - secure (compulsory)
urlStr = `${scheme}://${cdnResourceUrl}${filePath}?secure=${secureString}`;
// 2.2 Append argument - expires
if (expiryTimestamp !== '' && expiryTimestamp !== "0" && expiryTimestamp !== 0) {
urlStr += `&expires=${expiryTimestamp}`;
// 2.3 Append argument - ip
if (clientIp !== '') {
urlStr += `&ip=${clientIp}`;
return urlStr;
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