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Created April 6, 2014 14:50
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4_beginning_HTML_CSS_2_md (Solo Challenge response)
I found this solo challenge to be extremely rewarding but simultaneously difficult as I found the learning curve rather steep. The Girl Develop It slide decks, while good intros, often were not sufficient in providing examples of how to accomplish a task and why certain practices work. I found that when I'm learning HTML / CSS, it is most useful for me to see the HTLM code, the CSS code and the website output. I would generally reload my webpage every 5-10 minutes to see the effect of the changes in my code, and sometimes would make test files if I was unsure what I was doing and simply wanted to test something out. I recall a friend of mine who is a pre-school teacher saying that pre-schoolers when learning how to mix paint colors often conference together and as the color comes to life, consult on what is working and what is not working every few minutes. This is very much similar to me in HTML / CSS.
One thing I know I need to continue to brush up on is my understanding of relative positioning, absolute position, floats and clears. I think during this challenge I relied too much on trial and error and not enough on a cohesive understanding of how all the positioning resources work together. I consistently referred to Stack Overflow and tried to understand the examples posted. Overall though, I would say my Solo Challenge is more a result of leveraging previously used code for my own purposes (this is not to say I copy and pasted - I have read the Phase 0 handbook) than truly understanding cause and effect relationships with CSS and HTML. I intend to continue to go over the resources and work in office hours to acquire a stronger understanding.
I additionally want to learn more about pseudo links. Although my links generally are bold and go into italics once you click, the link in the header does not have this functionality despite having the a tag. Also, what I wrote into the CSS on all the a attributes for pseudo links is not exactly consistent with what happens when you hover over, have an active link or visited link.
Overall, I enjoyed the creation and trial and error process, but know I have a long way to go due to the difference between implementation and understanding. Good programmers need to understand and be able to forecast the effect of changes in their code, as opposed to putzing around in a trial and error process.
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