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Created May 25, 2022 03:07
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RWC: Start to End
const ORIGIN = 1;
const DESTINATION = 2;
const WALL = 3;
* @typedef {{
* coordinates: string,
* distanceFromOrigin: number,
* shortestPaths: Direction[][]
* }} DjikstraNode
* Representation of a given cell, as well as memory of the currently shortest
* known path to that cell.
* Determines all valid neighbors of a given cell.
* Valid neighbors are cells which…
* - Are in the bounds of the grid
* - Are not walls
* - Don't have a guaranteed shortest path yet (aren't yet "visited," according to Djikstra's algorithm)
* @param {DjikstraNode} currentCell the "unvisited" cell with the shortest known path to get there
* @param {DjikstraNode[]} unvisited list of all unvisited nodes
* @returns {{
* coordinates: string,
* direction: 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right'
* }[]} valid neighbors we could move to
function getValidNeighbors(currentCell, unvisited) {
const [rowString, colString] = currentCell.coordinates.split(',');
const row = Number.parseInt(rowString);
const col = Number.parseInt(colString);
* @type {{
* coordinates: string,
* direction: 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right'
* }[]}
const neighbors = [];
// If coordinates exist in `unvisited`, it means both that it's valid coordinates
// in bound with the grid, and that its shortest path hasn't been guaranteed.
if (unvisited.find(node => node.coordinates === `${row - 1},${col}`)) {
coordinates: `${row - 1},${col}`,
direction: 'up'
if (unvisited.find(node => node.coordinates === `${row + 1},${col}`)) {
coordinates: `${row + 1},${col}`,
direction: 'down'
if (unvisited.find(node => node.coordinates === `${row},${col - 1}`)) {
coordinates: `${row},${col - 1}`,
direction: 'left'
if (unvisited.find(node => node.coordinates === `${row},${col + 1}`)) {
coordinates: `${row},${col + 1}`,
direction: 'right'
return neighbors;
* Employ's Djikstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from the "1" cell to the "2"
* cell, avoiding all "3" wall cells.
* @see
* @typedef {0 | 1 | 2 | 3} Cell
* @typedef {'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right'} Direction
* @param {Cell[][]} grid 2D grid —
* `0` represents a generic space, `1` represents the origin,
* `2` represents the destination, and `3` represents walls
* @returns {Direction[][]} list of all of the shortest paths to reach the destination
function startToEnd(grid) {
* All nodes for which the shortest path is NOT yet known.
* @type {DjikstraNode[]}
const unvisited = [];
/** @type {DjikstraNode} */
let origin;
/** @type {DjikstraNode} */
let destination;
/** @type {DjikstraNode} */
let currentCell;
// To start, determine every valid node, and mark all of them
// except the origin as unvisited.
for (let row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) {
for (let column = 0; column < grid[row].length; column++) {
const cell = grid[row][column];
const coordinates = `${row},${column}`;
if (cell === ORIGIN) {
origin = {coordinates, distanceFromOrigin: 0, shortestPaths: []};
currentCell = origin;
} else if (cell !== WALL) {
let node = {coordinates, distanceFromOrigin: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, shortestPaths: []};
if (cell === DESTINATION) {
destination = node;
// Calculate shortest distances to *every* cell in the grid
while (unvisited.length > 0) {
const validNeighbors = getValidNeighbors(currentCell, unvisited);
const distanceToNeighbors = currentCell.distanceFromOrigin + 1;
// If this path is the fastest so far to each of the current cell's neighbors,
// replace the neighbors' current fastest paths with this one.
for (let neighbor of validNeighbors) {
const {coordinates, direction} = neighbor;
const neighborNode = unvisited.find(node => node.coordinates === coordinates);
if (distanceToNeighbors < neighborNode.distanceFromOrigin) {
neighborNode.distanceFromOrigin = distanceToNeighbors;
if (distanceToNeighbors === 1) {
neighborNode.shortestPaths = [
} else {
neighborNode.shortestPaths = currentCell
.map(path => [...path, direction]);
} else if (distanceToNeighbors === neighborNode.distanceFromOrigin) {
if (distanceToNeighbors === 1) {
} else {
const paths = currentCell
.map(path => [...path, direction]);
// Remove current cell from consideration — there's no faster way to get it to it.
const indexOfCurrentCell = unvisited.indexOf(currentCell);
if (indexOfCurrentCell > -1) {
unvisited.splice(indexOfCurrentCell, 1);
// Pick the unvisited cell with the next least distance to get there.
let nextShortestDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (let node of unvisited) {
if (node.distanceFromOrigin < nextShortestDistance) {
currentCell = node;
nextShortestDistance = node.distanceFromOrigin;
// Profit.
return destination.shortestPaths;
let grid1 = [
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 2]
let grid2 = [
[1, 3, 0],
[0, 0, 2]
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