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Created August 31, 2021 18:22
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server async
/// @description Server network control
var socket_id = async_load[? "id"];
if(server == socket_id)
// If the socket ID is the server one, then we have a new
/// client connecting, OR an old client disconnecting
// get connect or disconnect (1=connect)
var t = async_load[? "type"];
// Get the NEW socket ID, or the socket that's disconnecting
var sock = async_load[? "socket"];
// Get the IP that the socket comes from
var ip = async_load[? "ip"];
// Connecting
if (t == network_type_connect) {
log(self, "Attempting to connect: " + string(ip) + " , socket: " + string(sock),, [LoggerType.server,]);
// add client to our list of connected clients
ds_list_add(sockets, sock);
ds_list_add(login_sockets, sock);
// Create a new player
// put this instance into a map, using the socket ID as the lookup
instance.__callback_id = undefined;
instance.__callback_data = undefined;
clients[? sock] = instance;
} else {
log(self, "Attempting to disconnect: " + string(ip) + " , socket: " + string(sock),, [LoggerType.server,]);
// disconnect a client, first find the player instance using the socket ID as a lookup
instance = clients[? sock];
instance.connected = false;
// Fire the disconnected event
// Also delete the socket from our global list of connected clients
var index = ds_list_find_index(sockets, sock);
ds_list_delete(sockets, index);
index = ds_list_find_index(login_sockets, sock);
if (index != -1) {
ds_list_delete(login_sockets, index);
// Delete the socket from out map, and kill the player instance
ds_map_delete(clients, sock);
else if (ready && socket_id > 0) {
// All other sockets are connected client sockets, and we have recieved commands from them.
// get the buffer the data resides in
buffer = async_load[? "buffer"];
var callback_id = buffer_read(buffer, buffer_string);
// read the command
opcode = buffer_read(buffer, buffer_s16);
// Get the socket ID - this is the CLIENT socket ID. We can use this as a "key" for this client
socket = socket_id;
// Look up the client details
instance = clients[? socket];
if ((exists(instance)) && (instance.connected || opcode == OPCODE_LOGIN)) {
log(self, "Consuming network message ["+string(opcode)+"] for [" + instance_details(instance) + "] from [socket: " + string(socket) + "]", Logger.fine, [LoggerType.server,]);
instance.__callback_data = ds_list_create();
instance.__callback_id = callback_id;
ds_map_replace_list(callbacks, instance.__callback_id, instance.__callback_data);
// Fire the data revieved event
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