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Created March 17, 2019 21:37
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C++ Singletons which don't leak
class Singleton {
// Lazily get reference to a static instance of Singleton.
// The benifit of the following inplementation:
// * It lazily creates a Singleton.
// * It creates the Singleton on the global stack, so when the program ends
// the Singleton is automatically deallocated and it's deconstructor is invoked.
static Singleton& getInstance() {
// The following line (starting with `static`) only executes once,
// no matter how many times this function executes.
static Singleton singleton;
return shelter;
// The following line explicitly forbids the compiler from using a copy constructor. (C++11)
Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;
// Keep the constructor private so that the only way to create the Singleton
// is through the `getInstance()` method.
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