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Last active June 6, 2017 09:44
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Ambiguous implicits
abstract class DT
case object NullT extends DT
case object IntegerT extends DT
case object StringT extends DT
case class ST(fields: List[(String, DT)]) extends DT
sealed trait DTEncoder[A] {
def encode: DT
sealed trait STEncoder[A] extends DTEncoder[A] {
def encode: ST
object STEncoder {
def apply[A](implicit enc: STEncoder[A]): STEncoder[A] = enc
def pureST[A](st: ST): STEncoder[A] =
new STEncoder[A] { def encode: ST = st }
def pureDT[A](dt: DT): DTEncoder[A] =
new DTEncoder[A] { def encode: DT = dt }
implicit val nullEncoder: DTEncoder[Unit] = pureDT(NullT)
implicit val intEncoder: DTEncoder[Int] = pureDT(IntegerT)
implicit val stringEncoder: DTEncoder[String] = pureDT(StringT)
implicit val hnilEncoder: STEncoder[HNil] = pureST(ST(Nil))
implicit def hconsEncoder[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](
witness: Witness.Aux[K],
hEncoder: Lazy[DTEncoder[H]],
tEncoder: STEncoder[T]
): STEncoder[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = {
val fieldName =
pureST {
val head = hEncoder.value.encode
val tail = tEncoder.encode
ST((fieldName, head) +: tail.fields)
implicit def genericEncoder[A, H <: HList](
generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, H],
hEncoder: Lazy[STEncoder[H]]
): STEncoder[A] =
case class Foo(a: Unit)
// [error] both value nullEncoder in object STEncoder of type => DTEncoder[Unit]
// [error] and method genericEncoder in object STEncoder of type [A, H <: shapeless.HList](implicit generic: shapeless.LabelledGeneric.Aux[A,H], implicit hEncoder: shapeless.Lazy[STEncoder[H]])STEncoder[A]
// [error] match expected type ste.DTEncoder[Unit]
// [error] STEncoder[A].encode shouldBe ST(("a", NullType) :: Nil)
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