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Created October 4, 2016 18:52
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# Locates the directory where the script is
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Name of our output file to submit to Kaggle
# Same name but it's a temp file we'll use later
# Clean up
rm -rf ${OUTPUT}
rm -rf ${TMP_FILE}
cd ${DIR}
# Builds the application and create a fat jar will all the dependencies
mvn clean package
spark-submit \
--class com.github.benfradet.Titanic \ # class to launch
--master local[2] \ # we'll use two cores on the local machine
target/titanic-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ # fat jar to use
src/main/resources/train.csv src/main/resources/test.csv ${OUTPUT} # arguments to the Titanic's main: train file, test file and the file we want as output
# move around the generated file
mv ${OUTPUT}/part-00000 ${TMP_FILE}
rm -rf ${OUTPUT}
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