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Created June 28, 2017 04:01
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Failing Attempt at improving NativeCall (see second attached file)
use nqp;
module NativeCall {
use NativeCall::Types;
use NativeCall::Compiler::GNU;
use NativeCall::Compiler::MSVC;
my package EXPORT::DEFAULT {
use NativeCall::Types;
my package EXPORT::types {
use NativeCall::Types;
my constant OpaquePointer is export(:types, :DEFAULT) = Pointer;
# Throwaway type just to get us some way to get at the NativeCall
# representation.
my class native_callsite is repr('NativeCall') { }
# Maps a chosen string encoding to a type recognized by the native call engine.
sub string_encoding_to_nci_type(\encoding) {
my str $enc = encoding;
?? "utf8str"
!! nqp::iseq_s($enc,"ascii")
?? "asciistr"
!! nqp::iseq_s($enc,"utf16")
?? "utf16str"
!! die "Unknown string encoding for native call: $enc"
# Builds a hash of type information for the specified parameter.
sub param_hash_for(Parameter $p, :$with-typeobj) {
my Mu $result := nqp::hash();
my $type := $p.type();
nqp::bindkey($result, 'typeobj', nqp::decont($type)) if $with-typeobj;
nqp::bindkey($result, 'rw', nqp::unbox_i(1)) if $;
if $type ~~ Str {
my $enc := $p.?native_call_encoded // 'utf8';
nqp::bindkey($result, 'type', nqp::unbox_s(string_encoding_to_nci_type($enc)));
nqp::bindkey($result, 'free_str', nqp::unbox_i(1));
elsif $type.?native_call_sub_signature -> $sub_signature {
nqp::bindkey($result, 'type', nqp::unbox_s(type_code_for($type)));
my $info := param_list_for($sub_signature, :with-typeobj);
nqp::unshift($info, return_hash_for($sub_signature, :with-typeobj));
nqp::bindkey($result, 'callback_args', $info);
elsif $type ~~ Callable {
nqp::bindkey($result, 'type', nqp::unbox_s(type_code_for($type)));
my $info := param_list_for($p.sub_signature, :with-typeobj);
nqp::unshift($info, return_hash_for($p.sub_signature, :with-typeobj));
nqp::bindkey($result, 'callback_args', $info);
else {
nqp::bindkey($result, 'type', nqp::unbox_s(type_code_for($type)));
# Builds the list of parameter information for a callback argument.
sub param_list_for(Signature $sig, &r?, :$with-typeobj) {
my $params := nqp::getattr($sig.params,List,'$!reified');
my int $elems = nqp::elems($params);
# not sending Method's default slurpy *%_ (which is always last)
if nqp::istype(&r,Method)
&& nqp::iseq_s(nqp::atpos($params,$elems - 1).name,'%_');
# build list
my $result := nqp::setelems(nqp::list,$elems);
my int $i = -1;
) while nqp::islt_i($i = nqp::add_i($i,1),$elems);
# Builds a hash of type information for the specified return type.
sub return_hash_for(Signature $s, &r?, :$with-typeobj, :$entry-point) {
my Mu $result := nqp::hash();
my $returns := $s.returns;
nqp::bindkey($result, 'typeobj', nqp::decont($returns)) if $with-typeobj;
nqp::bindkey($result, 'entry_point', nqp::decont($entry-point)) if $entry-point;
if $returns ~~ Str {
my $enc := &r.?native_call_encoded // 'utf8';
nqp::bindkey($result, 'type', nqp::unbox_s(string_encoding_to_nci_type($enc)));
nqp::bindkey($result, 'free_str', nqp::unbox_i(0));
elsif $returns =:= Mu or $returns =:= void {
nqp::bindkey($result, 'type', 'void');
# TODO: If we ever want to handle function pointers returned from C, this
# bit of code needs to handle that.
else {
nqp::bindkey($result, 'type', nqp::unbox_s(type_code_for($returns)));
my $signed_ints_by_size :=
nqp::list_s( "", "char", "short", "", "int", "", "", "", "longlong" );
# Gets the NCI type code to use based on a given Perl 6 type.
my $type_map := nqp::hash(
"Bool", nqp::atpos_s($signed_ints_by_size,nativesizeof(bool)),
"bool", nqp::atpos_s($signed_ints_by_size,nativesizeof(bool)),
"Callable", "callback",
"Int", "longlong",
"int", "long",
"int16", "short",
"int32", "int",
"int64", "longlong",
"int8", "char",
"long", "long",
"longdouble", "longdouble",
"longlong", "longlong",
"Num", "double",
"num", "double",
"num32", "float",
"num64", "double",
"size_t", nqp::atpos_s($signed_ints_by_size,nativesizeof(size_t)),
"ssize_t", nqp::atpos_s($signed_ints_by_size,nativesizeof(ssize_t)),
"uint", "ulong",
"uint16", "ushort",
"uint32", "uint",
"uint64", "ulonglong",
"uint8", "uchar",
"ulong", "ulong",
"ulonglong", "ulonglong",
my $repr_map := nqp::hash(
"CArray", "carray",
"CPPStruct", "cppstruct",
"CPointer", "cpointer",
"CStruct", "cstruct",
"CUnion", "cunion",
"VMArray", "vmarray",
sub type_code_for(Mu ::T) {
if T.?native_call_nci_type_code -> $type {
elsif nqp::atkey($type_map,T.^shortname) -> $type {
elsif nqp::atkey($repr_map,T.REPR) -> $type {
# The REPR of any un-punned Role's type object is Uninstantiable,
# so needs extra special cases here that aren't covered in the
# hash lookups above.
elsif nqp::istype(T,Blob) {
elsif nqp::istype(T,Pointer) {
else {
"Unknown type {T.^name} used in native call.\n" ~
"If you want to pass a struct, be sure to use the CStruct or\n" ~
"CPPStruct representation.\n" ~
"If you want to pass an array, be sure to use the CArray type.";
sub dynamic_prefix($name) {
if $*nativecall_dynamic_prefix -> $prefix {
$name ~ $prefix
} else {
sub gen_native_symbol(Routine $r, :$cpp-name-mangler) {
my $native_symbol = $r.?native_symbol;
my $name = $native_symbol // dynamic_prefix($;
if ! $r.?native_call_mangled {
# Native symbol or name is said to be already mangled
$native_symbol // $name;
} elsif $r.package.REPR eq 'CPPStruct' {
# Mangle C++ classes
$cpp-name-mangler($r, $native_symbol // ($r.package.^name ~ '::' ~ $name));
} else {
# Mangle C
$cpp-name-mangler($r, $native_symbol // $name)
multi sub map_return_type(Mu $type) { Mu }
multi sub map_return_type($type) {
nqp::istype($type, Int) ?? Int
!! nqp::istype($type, Num) ?? Num !! $type;
sub guess_library_name($lib --> Str) is export(:TEST) {
my $apiversion = '';
my $libname = do given $lib {
when IO::Path {
when $lib.?platform-library-name {
return .Str;
when Callable {
when List {
$apiversion = $lib[1];
when Str {
when Bool and .so {
when Whatever {
$*nativecall_library //
die 'Dynamic variable $*nativecall_library is undefined';
default {
die "A native library must be one of "~
"IO::Path, Callable, List, Str, or Distribution::Resource";
return '' unless $libname.DEFINITE;
#Already a full name?
return $libname if ($libname ~~ /\.<.alpha>+$/ or $libname ~~ /\.so(\.<.digit>+)+$/);
return $*VM.platform-library-name($libname.IO, :version($apiversion || Version)).Str;
sub check_signature_sanity(Str $subname, Signature $sig, Bool $is_method?) is export(:TEST) {
#Maybe this should use the hash already existing?
sub validnctype (Mu ::T) {
return True if nqp::existskey($repr_map,T.REPR) && T.REPR ne 'CArray' | 'CPointer';
return True if T.^name eq 'Str' | 'str' | 'Bool';
return False if T.REPR eq 'P6opaque';
return False if T.HOW.^can("nativesize") && T.^nativesize == 0; #to disting int and int32 for example
return validnctype(T.of) if T.REPR eq 'CArray' | 'CPointer' and T.^can('of');
return True;
for @($sig.params).kv -> $i, $param {
next if $is_method and ($i < 1 or $i == $sig.params.elems - 1); #Method have two extra parameters
if $param.type ~~ Callable {
check_signature_sanity( "$subname param $i Callable", $param.sub_signature );
if $param.type.?native_call_sub_signature -> $subsig {
check_signature_sanity( "$subname param $i Callback", $subsig );
next unless $param.type ~~ Buf | Blob #Buf are Uninstantiable, make this buggy
|| $param.type.^can('gist'); #FIXME, it's to handle case of class A { sub foo(A) is native) }, the type is not complete
if !validnctype($param.type) {
warn "In '$subname' routine declaration - Not an accepted NativeCall type"
~ " for parameter [{$i + 1}] {$ ?? $ !! ''} : {$param.type.^name}\n"
~ " --> For Numerical type, use the appropriate int32/int64/num64...";
return True if $sig.returns.REPR eq 'CPointer' | 'CStruct' | 'CPPStruct'; #Meh fix but 'imcomplete' type are a pain
if $sig.returns.^name ne 'Mu' && !validnctype($sig.returns) {
warn "The returning type of '$subname' --> {$sig.returns.^name} is erroneous."
~ " You should not return a non NativeCall supported type (like Int inplace of int32),"
~ " truncating errors can appear with different architectures";
my %lib;
my @cpp-name-mangler =
sub guess-name-mangler($routine, Str $libname) {
my $sym = $routine.?native_symbol;
unless $sym {
my $name = dynamic_prefix($;
$sym = do if $routine.package.REPR eq 'CPPStruct' {
($routine.package.^name ~ '::' ~ $name);
} else {
for @cpp-name-mangler.kv -> $i, &mangler {
next unless try cglobal($libname, mangler($routine, $sym), Pointer, :immediate);
@cpp-name-mangler[ 0, $i ] .= reverse if $i; # Move to front on success.
return &mangler;
die "Don't know how to mangle symbol '$sym' for library '$libname'"
my Lock $setup-lock .= new;
# This role is mixed in to any routine that is marked as being a
# native call.
my role Native {
has int $!setup;
has native_callsite $!call is box_target;
has Str $!library_name;
has Mu $!arg_info;
has Mu $!return_hash;
has Mu $!rettype;
# Some of the setup can be done the instant we've got a signature
# and either a library name or an entry point.
method setup_nativecall(Pointer :$entry-point?, Str :$library_name?) {
return if $!arg_info;
$!library_name = guess_library_name( $library_name );
$!arg_info := param_list_for(self.signature, self);
$!return_hash := return_hash_for(self.signature, self, :$entry-point);
$!rettype := nqp::decont(map_return_type(self.returns));
# Other parts cannot be done until later, because :native, :encoding, :symbol, etc.
# can happen in any order. Once the subroutine is called, though, the show must get
# on the road.
method CALL-ME(|args) {
$setup-lock.protect: {
return self.CALL-ME(args) if $!setup;
# Make sure that C++ methods are treated as mangled (unless set otherwise)
my $is_mangled = self.?native_call_mangled;
if self.package.REPR eq 'CPPStruct' and !$is_mangled.DEFINITE {
$is_mangled = True;
self does role :: { method native_call_mangled { True } };
# if needed, try to guess mangler
my $cpp-name-mangler = Any;
$cpp-name-mangler = (%lib{$!library_name} //= guess-name-mangler(self, $!library_name)) if $is_mangled;
my Mu $rettype = $!rettype;
my Str $symbol_to_call := gen_native_symbol(self, :$cpp-name-mangler);
my Str $calling_convention = self.?native_call_convention // '';
self does my role NativeRoutineFullyBuilt {
method setup_nativecall {}
method CALL-ME(|args) {
my Mu $args := nqp::getattr(nqp::decont(args), Capture, '@!list');
if nqp::elems($args) != self.signature.arity {
:signature(try self.signature.gist),
nqp::nativecall($rettype, self, $args)
$!setup = 1;
self.CALL-ME: |args;
multi trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$symbol!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
$r does my role NativeCallSymbol { method native_symbol { $symbol } };
# Specifies that the routine is actually a native call, into the
# current executable (platform specific) or into a named library
multi trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$native!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
check_signature_sanity($, $r.signature, $r ~~ Method);
$r does Native;
$r.setup_nativecall( :library_name($native) );
# Specifies the calling convention to use for a native call.
multi trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$nativeconv!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
$r does my role NativeCallingConvention { method native_call_convention { $nativeconv } };
# Ways to specify how to marshall strings.
multi trait_mod:<is>(Parameter $p, :$encoded!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
$p does my role NativeCallEncoded { method native_call_encoded { $encoded } };
multi trait_mod:<is>(Routine $p, :$encoded!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
$p does my role NativeCallEncoded { method native_call_encoded { $encoded } };
multi trait_mod:<is>(Routine $p, :$mangled!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
$p does my role NativeCallMangled { method native_call_mangled { $mangled } };
multi explicitly-manage(Str $x, :$encoding = 'utf8') is export(:DEFAULT, :utils) {
my class CStr is repr('CStr') { method encoding() { $encoding; } };
$x does my role ExplicitlyManagedString { has $.cstr is rw };
# Fields of repr CStr (MVM_REPR_ID_MVMCStr) are specially treated.
$x.cstr = nqp::box_s(nqp::unbox_s($x), CStr);
multi trait_mod:<is>(Parameter $p, :$cpp-const!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
$p does role CPPConst { method cpp-const() { 1 } };
multi trait_mod:<is>(Parameter $p, :$cpp-ref!) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
$p does role CPPRef { method cpp-ref() { 1 } };
multi refresh($obj) is export(:DEFAULT, :utils) {
multi sub nativecast(Signature $target-type, $entry-point) is export(:DEFAULT, :traits) {
check_signature_sanity( $entry-point.gist, $target-type );
my $r := sub { };
nqp::bindattr($r, Code, '$!signature', nqp::decont($target-type));
$r does Native;
$r.setup_nativecall( :$entry-point );
multi sub nativecast($target-type, $pointer) is export {
nqp::decont(map_return_type($target-type)), nqp::decont($pointer));
multi sub nativecast(Pointer:U ::ptr_t, Signature $how, Callable $source) is export {
my &deep_magic := %{$how.perl} //= do {
my $sig = :(&, Str, int32 --> Pointer);
my Mu \param := nqp::decont($sig.params[0]);
nqp::bindattr( param, Parameter, '$!sub_signature', nqp::decont($how));
my sub memcpy { };
nqp::bindattr(&memcpy, Code, '$!signature', nqp::decont($sig));
&memcpy does Native;
my $pointer = deep_magic( $source, '', 0 );
nqp::rebless( $pointer, ptr_t );
sub nativesizeof($obj) is export {
proto cglobal($libname, $symbol, $target-type, |) is export { * };
multi cglobal($libname, $symbol, $target-type, :$immediate!) is export {
# This variant fetches the global variable as soon as it is called,
# and does not produce a Proxy.
multi cglobal($libname, $symbol, $target-type) is rw is export {
# This variant produces a read-only Proxy. If you bind it to a
# variable, then every time you read from that variable, the C
# variable is fetched. Speed? Who needs Speed?
FETCH => -> $ { cglobal($libname, $symbol, $target-type, :immediate) },
STORE => -> $, $ { die "Use the :rw option if you need writable C globals" };
multi cglobal($libname, $symbol, $target_type, :$rw!) is rw is export {
# From the outside, there's not much difference between a C global
# variable which is an int, and a C global variable which is an
# array containing a single int...
# We create a CArray of $target-type, as soon as either of
# our Proxy's FETCH or STORE are used.
my sub as_array {
state Mu $ = nqp::decont(cglobal($libname, $symbol, CArray[$target_type], :immediate));
if $target_type ~~ Int {
FETCH => -> $ { nqp::atpos_i(as_array, 0) },
STORE => -> $, $arg { nqp::bindpos_i(as_array, 0, nqp::decont($arg)) };
} elsif $target_type ~~ Num {
FETCH => -> $ { nqp::atpos_n(as_array, 0) },
STORE => -> $, $arg { nqp::bindpos_n(as_array, 0, nqp::decont($arg)) };
} else {
FETCH => -> $ { nqp::atpos(as_array, 0) },
STORE => -> $, $arg { nqp::bindpos(as_array, 0, nqp::decont($arg)) };
multi cglobal($libname, $symbol, $target-type, :$rw!, :$immediate!) is rw is export {
# This variant produces the fastest Proxy objects for C global variables.
# If you need to access such variables in a tight loop, consider this function.
# This variant of cglobal will fail *immediately* if the specified
# library does not have a variable of that name.
my Mu \as_array := nqp::decont(cglobal($libname, $symbol, CArray[$target-type], :immediate));
if $target-type ~~ Int {
nqp::atposref_i( as_array, 0 );
} elsif $target-type ~~ Num {
nqp::atposref_n( as_array, 0 );
} else {
FETCH => -> $ { nqp::atpos(as_array, 0) },
STORE => -> $, $arg { nqp::bindpos(as_array, 0, nqp::decont($arg)) };
multi sub FUNCTION_POINTER (Signature:D $signature) is export {
class FunctionPointer is Pointer is Callable {
method new($r) { nativecast( self, $signature, $r ) }
method signature { $signature }
method returns { $signature.returns }
method Callable { $ = nativecast( $signature, self ) }
method FALLBACK( $name, |args ) { self.Callable."$name"(|args) }
my sub attribute_mixin(Mu ::fptr_t) {
role FunctionPointerAttribute {
multi method set_value(Mu \instance, fptr_t \p ) {
self.Attribute::set_value( instance, p );
multi method set_value(Mu \instance, Pointer:D \p ) {
self.Attribute::set_value( instance, nativecast( fptr_t, p ) );
multi method set_value(Mu \instance, Callable:D \c ) {
self.Attribute::set_value( instance, );
multi trait_mod:<is> (Attribute \a, Signature:D $callable!) {
my $f = FUNCTION_POINTER $callable;
nqp::bindattr( a, Attribute, '$!type', nqp::decont($f) );
a does attribute_mixin( $f );
# vim:ft=perl6
C:\Users\Ben (user)\code\Perl6Misc>perl6 -I. -e "use NativeCall; my sub puts(Str) is native {...};"
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
Can't use unknown trait 'is native' in a sub declaration.
at -e:1
expecting any of:
rw raw hidden-from-backtrace hidden-from-USAGE
pure default DEPRECATED inlinable nodal
prec equiv tighter looser assoc leading_docs trailing_docs
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