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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save BenGoldberg1/c9f2a3f642c30fc343fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BenGoldberg1/c9f2a3f642c30fc343fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use v6;
sub primes-list(Bool $use-wheel) {
my @start = $use-wheel ?? (2, 3) !! (2);
my @sieve;
my $i = @start-1;
my $p = @start[$i];
my $q = $p*$p;
my $n = $p;
my \incr = $use-wheel ?? 2 !! 1;
@start, -> *@primes {
loop {
$n += incr;
if ( @sieve.shift ) -> @s {
# $n is not prime. It's unique prime factors (-1) are @s.
@sieve[ $_ ].push: $_ for @s;
} elsif ( $n < $q ) {
# $n is prime.
} else {
# $n is equal to $q, which in turn is equal to $p*$p,
# which of course is composite. Store the next composite
# after $n into the sieve.
my \p1 = $p - 1;
@sieve[ p1 ].push: p1;
$p = @primes[ ++$i ];
#print "prime number $i is ",$p;
$q = $p*$p;
} ... *;
#"$_, ".print for primes-list(True);
for (False, True) -> $use-wheel {
say "use-wheel: $use-wheel";
my $n = 200;
my $count = 0;
my $elapsed;
my $start = now;
loop {
my $p = primes-list($use-wheel)[$n-1];
$p.say unless $count;
$elapsed = now - $start;
last if $elapsed >= 5 and $count >= 5;
say "In $elapsed seconds, we did $count iterations.";
if ( $elapsed > $count ) {
say "This is ", $elapsed/$count, " seconds per iteration";
} else {
say "This is ", $count/$elapsed, " iteration per second";
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