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Created April 6, 2015 23:43
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The Global Innovation Index 2014
countryName score rank
Switzerland 64.78 1
United Kingdom 62.37 2
Sweden 62.29 3
Finland 60.67 4
Netherlands 60.59 5
United States of America 60.09 6
Singapore 59.24 7
Denmark 57.52 8
Luxembourg 56.86 9
Hong Kong (China) 56.82 10
Ireland 56.67 11
Canada 56.13 12
Germany 56.02 13
Norway 55.59 14
Israel 55.46 15
Republic of Korea 55.27 16
Australia 55.01 17
New Zealand 54.52 18
Iceland 54.05 19
Austria 53.41 20
Japan 52.41 21
France 52.18 22
Belgium 51.69 23
Estonia 51.54 24
Malta 50.44 25
Czech Republic 50.22 26
Spain 49.27 27
Slovenia 47.23 28
China 46.57 29
Cyprus 45.82 30
Italy 45.65 31
Portugal 45.63 32
Malaysia 45.6 33
Latvia 44.81 34
Hungary 44.61 35
United Arab Emirates 43.25 36
Slovakia 41.89 37
Saudi Arabia 41.61 38
Lithuania 41 39
Mauritius 40.94 40
Barbados 40.78 41
Croatia 40.75 42
Republic of Moldova 40.74 43
Bulgaria 40.74 44
Poland 40.64 45
Chile 40.64 46
Qatar 40.31 47
Thailand 39.28 48
Russian Federation 39.14 49
Greece 38.95 50
Seychelles 38.56 51
Panama 38.3 52
South Africa 38.25 53
Turkey 38.2 54
Romania 38.08 55
Mongolia 37.52 56
Costa Rica 37.3 57
Belarus 37.1 58
Montenegro 37.01 59
Macedonia 36.93 60
Brazil 36.29 61
Bahrain 36.26 62
Ukraine 36.26 63
Jordan 36.21 64
Armenia 36.06 65
Mexico 36.02 66
Serbia 35.89 67
Colombia 35.5 68
Kuwait 35.19 69
Argentina 35.13 70
Viet Nam 34.89 71
Uruguay 34.76 72
Peru 34.73 73
Georgia 34.53 74
Oman 33.87 75
India 33.7 76
Lebanon 33.6 77
Tunisia 32.94 78
Kazakhstan 32.75 79
Guyana 32.48 80
Bosnia and Herzegovina 32.43 81
Jamaica 32.41 82
Dominican Republic 32.29 83
Morocco 32.24 84
Kenya 31.85 85
Bhutan 31.83 86
Indonesia 31.81 87
Brunei Darussalam 31.67 88
Paraguay 31.59 89
Trinidad and Tobago 31.56 90
Uganda 31.14 91
Botswana 30.87 92
Guatemala 30.75 93
Albania 30.47 94
Fiji 30.39 95
Ghana 30.26 96
Cabo Verde 30.09 97
Senegal 30.06 98
Egypt 30.03 99
Philippines 29.87 100
Azerbaijan 29.6 101
Rwanda 29.31 102
El Salvador 29.08 103
Gambia 29.03 104
Sri Lanka 28.98 105
Cambodia 28.66 106
Mozambique 28.52 107
Namibia 28.47 108
Burkina Faso 28.18 109
Nigeria 27.79 110
Bolivia 27.76 111
Kyrgyzstan 27.75 112
Malawi 27.61 113
Cameroon 27.52 114
Ecuador 27.5 115
Côte d'Ivoire 27.02 116
Lesotho 27.01 117
Honduras 26.73 118
Mali 26.18 119
Islamic Republic of Iran 26.14 120
Zambia 25.76 121
Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela 25.66 122
United Republic of Tanzania 25.6 123
Madagascar 25.5 124
Nicaragua 25.47 125
Ethiopia 25.36 126
Swaziland 25.33 127
Uzbekistan 25.2 128
Bangladesh 24.35 129
Zimbabwe 24.31 130
Niger 24.27 131
Benin 24.21 132
Algeria 24.2 133
Pakistan 24 134
Angola 23.82 135
Nepal 23.79 136
Tajikistan 23.73 137
Burundi 22.43 138
Guinea 20.25 139
Myanmar 19.64 140
Yemen 19.53 141
Togo 17.65 142
Sudan 12.66 143
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<h1>The Global Innovation Index 2014:</h1>
<p>The Global Innovation Index 2014: Nurturing New Sources of Growth by Developing the Human Factor in Innovation’ written by Soumitra Dutta, Rafael Escalona Reynoso, and Alexandra L. Bernard from Cornell University; Bruno Lanvin from INSEAD; and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent from WIPO, introduces the theme of the human factor and discusses the results of this year’s rankings.
Source: <a href=""></a>, 2014</p>
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<h1>Findings from the <a href="">report</a></h1>
<ol class="simple-list">
<li><p>The need to gather more knowledge of, and a better
understanding of, the role that the human factor—
along with technology and capital—plays in innovation
is critical. Statistically and analytically capturing
this contribution and nurturing it through adequate
education, training, and motivation in schools, universities,
businesses, civil society, and the government
itself is a challenge."</p></li>
<li><p>The top 10 economies in the GII 2014 edition are
Switzerland, the United Kingdom (UK), Sweden,
Finland, the Netherlands, the United States of
America (USA), Singapore, Denmark, Luxembourg,
and Hong Kong (China). Nine of these economies
were already in the GII top 10 in 2013; Ireland,
which was 10th in 2013, dropped to 11th this year,
and Luxembourg climbed up into the top 10 from
12th position in 2013.</p></li>
<li><p>The GII 2014 confirms the continued existence
of global innovation divides even within income
groups. All top 25 economies are in the highincome
group. China and Malaysia are the only
upper-middle income countries getting closer to
these ranks.</p></li>
<li><p>Sub-Saharan Africa is the region that sees the most
significant improvement in GII rankings in 2014.
Thirty-three countries make up the region in the
GII. Of these 33, 17 climb in the rankings this year,
three remain in the same position, two new countries
are added, and the remaining 11 exhibit a drop
in rank.</p></li>
<li><p>Regional trends in the GII 2014 show some interesting
new aspects. The BRICS economies show signs
of divergence, with China improving at a significantly
faster pace than its BRICS counterparts and
India slipping back. If China continues to improve
at this pace, it would not be a surprise to see it move
from its current 29th position to within the top 25
within a few years. </p></li>
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