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Created December 13, 2010 12:05
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Ribbit iFrame oAuth hack
Ribbit.getAuthenticatedUserIniFrame = function(callback, name, windowOptions) {
var win = null;
var gotUrlCallback = function(result) {
if (result.hasError) {
callback(new Ribbit.RibbitException("Cannot get request token, check application credentials.", 0)); //the request for an oAuth uri has gone wrong
} else {
var timeOutPoint = new Date().getTime() + 300000;
var pollApproved = function() {
var callback = function(val) {
if (!val.hasError) {
console.log('We\'re in!');
win.remove(); //remove the iFmame
$('.body').show(); //show the body of the DOM
} else if (new Date().getTime() > timeOutPoint) { // leave timeout in removing iFrame and giving control back
callback(new Ribbit.RibbitException("Timed out.", 0)); //timed out
} else {
Ribbit.checkAuthenticatedUser(callback); //returns true if we have an authenticated user (Ribbit.userID != null) for the browser
win = $('<iframe src ="'+result+'" width="100%" height="100%"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>'); //create an iFrame to overlay atop the current page
$('.body').hide(); //hide the body
pollApproved(); //poll the iFrame by merely checking the Ribbit userid
Ribbit.createUserAuthenticationUrl(gotUrlCallback); //request to Ribbit paltform for one time oAuth URI
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san1t1 commented Dec 13, 2010

  1. $(".body") gets all elements with a class of body, whereas $("body") gets all elements (only one) with a tagName of body.
  2. if you hide the body you have nowhere to put the iframe
  3. while line 26 creates the iframe, it's only a document fragment - you have to $(".selector").append(win) somewhere.

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san1t1 commented Dec 13, 2010

  1. line 24 - wrap this is in a setTimeout(function(){Ribbit.checkAuthenticatedUser(callback);},1000) - you only need to check about once a second

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san1t1 commented Dec 13, 2010

think this is last - when you timeout, you need to remove the iframe and restore any hidden elements too.

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san1t1 commented Dec 13, 2010

oh, a fyi - line 28, the comment is wrong. you're polling to check that the request token has been approved by attempting to exchange it for an access token. not polling userid.

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BenJam commented Dec 13, 2010

wise words. Thanks tim!

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