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Last active December 16, 2015 00:59
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  • Save BenLangmead/5351690 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BenLangmead/5351690 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import re
import sys
import string
import numpy
import math
def fastaKmerParser(fns, k):
""" Parse all (overlapping) k-mers of length k from all the FASTA
filenames provided. """
for fn in fns:
with open(fn, 'r') as fh:
kmer = []
off = 0
for ln in fh:
if ln[0] == '>':
kmer = []
off = 0
for c in ln:
if c.isalpha():
if len(kmer) == k:
off += 1
if len(kmer) == k:
yield (''.join(kmer), off - k)
def fastaKmerParserIslands(fns, k, isles):
""" Yield kmer, boolean pairs where boolean indicates whether the
kmer lies entirely within an island or not """
curIsland = 0
for kmer, off in fastaKmerParser(fns, k):
while curIsland < len(isles) and off >= isles[curIsland][1]:
curIsland += 1
if curIsland < len(isles) and off >= isles[curIsland][0]:
if off + k <= isles[curIsland][1]:
yield kmer, "island"
yield kmer, "non-island"
def parseIslands(fn):
""" Parse a file with island annotations, per the output from Hao's
model-based approach: """
isles = []
with open(fn, 'r') as fh:
for ln in fh:
chr, st, en, _ = string.split(ln, '\t', 3)
st, en = int(st), int(en)
isles.append((st-1, en))
return isles
def islandDinucs(fns, ifn, stopAfter=None):
""" Compile dinucleotide count tables for dinucleotides inside or
outside CpG islands """
hist = {}
n = 0
isles = parseIslands(ifn)
# fastaKmerParserIslands parses all dinucleotides from the FASTA
# file; returns the k-mer along with a label stating whether kmer
# came from inside or outside an island
for kmer, lab in fastaKmerParserIslands(fns, 2, isles):
if lab not in hist: hist[lab] = {}
hist[lab][kmer] = hist[lab].get(kmer, 0) + 1
n += 1
if stopAfter is not None and n >= stopAfter:
break # stop early; helpful for testing
return hist
def islandTransitionTables(fns, ifn, stopAfter=None):
""" Given FASTA filenames and island annotation filename, obtain
the island / non-island dinucleotide frequency tables. Turn
them into transition probabilities for the island & non-island
markov chains. Also, make log ratio table. """
hist = islandDinucs(fns, ifn, stopAfter)
iTab = numpy.zeros(shape=(4, 4), dtype=float)
nTab = numpy.zeros(shape=(4, 4), dtype=float)
for i in xrange(0, 4):
srcc = "ACGT"[i]
itot, ntot = 0, 0
for j in xrange(0, 4):
dstc = "ACGT"[j]
itot += hist["island"].get(srcc + dstc, 0)
ntot += hist["non-island"].get(srcc + dstc, 0)
assert itot > 0
assert ntot > 0
for j in xrange(0, 4):
dstc = "ACGT"[j]
icnt = hist["island"].get(srcc + dstc, 0)
ncnt = hist["non-island"].get(srcc + dstc, 0)
iTab[i, j] = icnt / float(itot)
nTab[i, j] = ncnt / float(ntot)
return iTab, nTab
def classify(seq, lrTab):
""" Classify seq using the already-computed table of dinucleotide
log ratios """
bits = 0
nucmap = { 'A':0, 'C':1, 'G':2, 'T':3 }
for dinuc in [ seq[i:i+2] for i in xrange(0, len(seq)-1) ]:
i, j = nucmap[dinuc[0]], nucmap[dinuc[1]]
bits += lrTab[i, j]
return bits
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