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Created July 10, 2021 15:07
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  • Save BenLubar/6f43342c02c7d3a112aa93b1640abac1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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to be clear, none of these compile, and not just because of the syntax errors
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
// cursor is here
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "effect-1",
Desc: "Effect 1",
Value: "value-1",
Name: "effect-2",
Desc: "Effect 2",
Value: "value-2",
def.Properties = []*card.PropertyDef{
Name: "property-1",
Desc: "Property 1",
Value: "value-1",
Name: "property-2",
Desc: "Property 2",
Value: "value-2",
def.Traits = []*card.TraitDef{
Name: "trait-1",
Desc: "Trait 1",
Value: "value-1",
Name: "trait-2",
Desc: "Trait 2",
Value: "value-2",
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.TraitDef{
Name: "trait-3",
Desc: "Trait 3",
Value: "value-3",
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.TraitDef{
Name: "trait-4",
Desc: "Trait 4",
Value: "value-4",
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.TraitDef{
Name: "trait-5",
Desc: "Trait 5",
Value: "value-5",
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.TraitDef{
Name: "trait-6",
Desc: "
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "Delilah",
Action: card.Action{Action: card.ActionAdd, Amount: 1},
def.Card = card.Card{
Name: "Delilah",
Type: "Delilah",
Cost: 1,
Effects: []*card.Effect{
Name: "Delilah",
Action: card.Action{Action: card.ActionAdd, Amount: 1},
def.Card.Name = "Delilah"
def.Card.Type = "Delilah"
def.Card.Cost = 1
def.Card.Effects = []*card.Effect{
Name: "Delilah",
Action: card.Action{Action: card.ActionAdd, Amount: 1},
def.Card.Name = "Delilah"
def.Card.Type = "Delilah"
def.Card.Cost = 1
def.Card.Effects = []*card.Effect{
Name: "Delilah",
Action: card.Action{Action: card.ActionAdd, Amount: 1},
def.Card.Name = "Delilah"
def.Card.Type = "Delilah"
def.Card.Cost = 1
def.Card.Effects = []*card.Effect{
Name: "Delilah",
Action: card.Action{Action: card.ActionAdd, Amount: 1},
def.Card.Name = "Delilah"
def.Card.Type = "Delilah"
def.Card.Cost = 1
def.Card.Effects = []*card.Effect{
Name: "Delilah",
Action: card.Action{Action: card.ActionAdd
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "Draw",
Func: "Draw",
Params: []string{
Name: "Discard",
Func: "Discard",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
Name: "Play",
Func: "Play",
Params: []string{
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "",
Target: []string{
Action: []string{
Parameters: []*card.ParameterDef{
Name: "amount",
Type: "int",
Value: "1",
def.Conditions = []*card.ConditionDef{
Name: "",
Target: []string{
Action: []string{
Parameters: []*card.ParameterDef{
Name: "amount",
Type: "int",
Value: "1",
def.Events = []*card.EventDef{
Name: "",
Target: []string{
Action: []string{
Parameters: []*card.ParameterDef{
Name: "amount",
Type: "int",
Value: "1",
def.Actions = []*card.ActionDef{
Name: "",
Target: []string{
Action: []string{
Parameters: []*card.ParameterDef{
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "Test effect",
Action: func(s *card.State) {
println("Test effect")
def.Cost = card.Cost{
S: 0,
C: 0,
P: 0,
def.Description = "Test card"
def.Image = "test.png"
def.Name = "Test"
def.Type = card.Spell
def.Power = card.Power{
S: 0,
C: 0,
P: 0,
def.Trait = card.Trait{
S: 0,
C: 0,
P: 0,
def.Traits = []*card.Trait{
Name: "Test trait",
Power: card.Power{
S: 0,
C: 0,
P: 0,
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.Trait{
Name: "Test trait 2",
Power: card.Power{
S: 0,
C: 0,
P: 0,
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.Trait{
Name: "Test trait 3",
Power: card.Power{
S: 0,
C: 0,
P: 0,
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.Trait{
Name: "Test trait 4",
Power: card.Power{
S: 0,
C: 0,
P: 0,
def.Traits = append(def.Traits, &card.Trait{
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Type: card.EffectTypeAdd,
Amount: 1,
Target: card.EffectTargetSelf,
Effect: card.EffectDraw,
Condition: &card.Condition{
Type: card.ConditionTypeInclude,
Value: "Delilah",
def.Name = "Delilah"
def.Description = "Draw a card."
def.Cards = []*card.Card{
ID: card.Delilah,
Name: "Delilah",
Cost: 0,
def.Cards = append(def.Cards, card.Cards)
def.Effects = append(def.Effects, card.Effects...)
def.Actions = []*card.ActionDef{
Name: "Delilah",
Cost: 0,
Actions: []*card.Action{
Name: "Delilah",
Cost: 0,
Actions: []*card.Action{
Name: "Delilah",
Cost: 0,
Actions: []*card.Action{
Name: "Delilah",
Cost: 0,
Actions: []*card.Action{
Name: "Delilah",
Cost: 0,
Actions: []*card.Action{
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "Dummy Effect",
Func: func(p card.Player, c card.Card) {
p.AddMessage("Dummy Effect")
def.Name = "Test Card"
def.Description = "A test card"
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 2"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 3"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 4"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 5"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 6"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 7"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 8"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 9"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 10"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 11"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 12"))
def.SetEffect(card.EffectAddCard(card.CardTypeSpell, "Dummy Card 13"))
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "Dummy",
Text: "Dummy effect",
Trigger: []string{"Dummy"},
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "Dummy",
Text: "Dummy effect",
Trigger: []string{"Dummy"},
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to three cards.",
Value: 0,
Type: "curse",
def.Conditions = []*card.ConditionDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to three cards.",
Value: 0,
Type: "curse",
def.Effects = append(def.Effects, &card.EffectDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to three cards.",
Value: 0,
Type: "curse",
def.Conditions = append(def.Conditions, &card.ConditionDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to three cards.",
Value: 0,
Type: "curse",
def.Effects = append(def.Effects, &card.EffectDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to three cards.",
Value: 0,
Type: "curse",
def.Conditions = append(def.Conditions, &card.ConditionDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to three cards.",
Value: 0,
Type: "curse",
def.Effects = append(def.Effects, &card.EffectDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to three cards.",
Value: 0,
Type: "curse",
def.Conditions = append(def.Conditions, &card.ConditionDef{
Name: "curse",
Desc: "The target player discards down to
package main
import ""
func main() {
var def card.Def
def.ID = card.Delilah
def.Effects = []*card.EffectDef{
ID: card.Delilah,
Name: "Delilah",
Description: `Delilah is a card that can be played to force a player to discard a card.`,
Target: card.TargetAny,
Action: card.ActDiscard,
Effect: card.EffectDiscard,
TargetValue: card.ValueAny,
Play: card.PlayDiscard,
def.CanPlay = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) bool {
return c.ID == card.Delilah
def.Play = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) {
def.CanTarget = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) bool {
return c.ID == card.Delilah
def.Target = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) {
def.CanEffect = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) bool {
return c.ID == card.Delilah
def.Effect = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) {
def.CanPlayEffect = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) bool {
return c.ID == card.Delilah
def.PlayEffect = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) {
def.CanPlayTarget = func(c card.Card, p card.Player, h card.CardHoster) bool {
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