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Created April 13, 2020 19:47
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int32_t add_to_vector(building *item,vector<building *> *vec)
int32_t size;
int32_t current_index;
int32_t current_index_00;
building **new_start;
building **new_start_00;
size_t old_size;
size_t old_size_00;
int32_t target_id_00;
int32_t last_index;
size_t new_size;
int32_t first_index;
size_t new_size_00;
size_t first_index_00;
building **old_start;
building **old_start_00;
size_t size_00;
building **new_finish;
building **new_finish_00;
building *item_00;
building **finish;
building **start;
int32_t item_id;
int32_t target_id_01;
int32_t target_id;
finish = vec->_M_finish;
start = vec->_M_start;
size_00 = (long)((long)finish - (long)start) >> 3;
size = (int32_t)size_00;
item_00 = item;
if (size == 0) {
if ((building *)finish != (building *)vec->_M_end_of_storage) {
if (finish == (building **)0x0) {
start = (building **)0x0;
else {
*finish = item;
start = vec->_M_finish;
*(building **)&vec->_M_finish = (building *)(start + 1);
return 1;
new_size = 8;
if (size_00 != 0) {
if (size_00 * 2 < size_00) {
new_size = 0xfffffffffffffff8;
else {
new_size = 0xfffffffffffffff8;
if (size_00 * 2 < 0x2000000000000000) {
new_size = size_00 << 4;
new_start = (building **);
old_start = vec->_M_start;
old_size = (long)((long)vec->_M_finish - (long)old_start) >> 3;
if (new_start + old_size == (building **)0x0) {
new_finish = (building **)0x0;
else {
new_start[old_size] = item_00;
old_start = vec->_M_start;
old_size = (long)((long)vec->_M_finish - (long)old_start) >> 3;
new_finish = new_start + old_size;
if (old_size != 0) {
memmove(new_start,old_start,old_size * 8);
old_start = vec->_M_start;
if (old_start != (building **)0x0) {
vec->_M_start = new_start;
*(building **)&vec->_M_finish = (building *)(new_finish + 1);
vec->_M_end_of_storage = (building **)(new_size + (long)new_start);
current_index_00 = 1;
else {
last_index = size + -1;
item_id = item->id;
if (start[last_index]->id < item_id) {
if ((building *)finish != (building *)vec->_M_end_of_storage) {
if (finish == (building **)0x0) {
start = (building **)0x0;
else {
*finish = item;
start = vec->_M_finish;
*(building **)&vec->_M_finish = (building *)(start + 1);
return size;
if (size_00 * 2 < size_00) {
new_size_00 = 0xfffffffffffffff8;
else {
new_size_00 = 0xfffffffffffffff8;
if (size_00 * 2 < 0x2000000000000000) {
new_size_00 = size_00 << 4;
new_start_00 = (building **);
old_start_00 = vec->_M_start;
old_size_00 = (long)((long)vec->_M_finish - (long)old_start_00) >> 3;
if (new_start_00 + old_size_00 == (building **)0x0) {
new_finish_00 = (building **)0x0;
else {
new_start_00[old_size_00] = item_00;
old_start_00 = vec->_M_start;
old_size_00 = (long)((long)vec->_M_finish - (long)old_start_00) >> 3;
new_finish_00 = new_start_00 + old_size_00;
if (old_size_00 != 0) {
memmove(new_start_00,old_start_00,old_size_00 * 8);
old_start_00 = vec->_M_start;
if (old_start_00 != (building **)0x0) {
vec->_M_start = new_start_00;
*(building **)&vec->_M_finish = (building *)(new_finish_00 + 1);
vec->_M_end_of_storage = (building **)((long)new_start_00 + new_size_00);
return size;
if (last_index < 0) {
first_index_00 = 0;
first_index = 0;
target_id = (*(building **)(first_index_00 + (long)start))->id;
if (item_id <= target_id) {
if (item_id < target_id) {
vector_insert_cheap(vec,(building **)(first_index_00 + (long)start),&item_00);
return first_index;
return -1;
else {
current_index = last_index >> 1;
target_id_00 = start[current_index]->id;
if (item_id == target_id_00) {
return -1;
first_index = 0;
if (last_index == 0) {
first_index = 0;
else {
do {
if (item_id < target_id_00) {
last_index = current_index + -1;
if (last_index < first_index) goto LAB_004e2e1e;
else {
first_index = current_index + 1;
if (last_index < first_index) {
first_index_00 = (long)first_index << 3;
if (-1 < last_index) {
if (size <= last_index) {
return -1;
target_id_01 = start[(long)last_index]->id;
if (target_id_01 < item_id) {
if (last_index + 1 < size) {
vector_insert_cheap(vec,start + (long)last_index + 1,&item_00);
return last_index + 1;
return -1;
if (item_id < target_id_01) {
vector_insert_cheap(vec,start + (long)last_index,&item_00);
return last_index;
return -1;
goto LAB_004e2f63;
current_index = first_index + last_index >> 1;
target_id_00 = start[current_index]->id;
if (item_id == target_id_00) {
return -1;
} while (first_index != last_index);
if (item_id <= target_id_00) {
if (target_id_00 <= item_id) {
return -1;
goto LAB_004e2ed1;
first_index = first_index + 1;
current_index_00 = -1;
if (first_index < size) {
vector_insert_cheap(vec,start + first_index,&item_00);
return first_index;
return current_index_00;
building ** vector_insert_cheap(vector<building *> *vec,building **target_slot,building **item)
building **finish;
building **start;
size_t move_count;
size_t index;
building *item_value;
building **new_finish;
start = vec->_M_start;
finish = vec->_M_finish;
index = (long)((long)target_slot - (long)start) >> 3;
if ((building *)finish == (building *)vec->_M_end_of_storage) {
return vec->_M_start + index;
if (finish != target_slot) {
item_value = *item;
*(building **)&((building *)finish)->_vtable = *(building **)((building *)finish + -1 + 0x26);
new_finish = vec->_M_finish;
*(building **)&vec->_M_finish = (building *)(new_finish + 1);
move_count = (long)new_finish + (-8 - (long)target_slot) >> 3;
if (move_count != 0) {
memmove(new_finish + move_count * 0x1fffffffffffffff,target_slot,move_count * 8);
*target_slot = item_value;
return vec->_M_start + index;
if (finish != (building **)0x0) {
*(building **)&((building *)finish)->_vtable = *item;
finish = vec->_M_finish;
start = vec->_M_start;
finish = finish + 1;
vec->_M_finish = finish;
return start + index;
void vector_insert_expensive(vector<building *> *vec,building **target_slot,building **item)
size_t move_count;
size_t size;
size_t index_00;
building **new_target_slot_next;
size_t move_count_00;
ulong count;
size_t byte_index_00;
size_t move_count_bytes_00;
size_t index;
size_t new_size;
building **new_start;
building **finish;
building **finish_00;
building **start;
finish = vec->_M_finish;
if ((building *)finish != (building *)vec->_M_end_of_storage) {
*finish = finish[-1];
finish_00 = vec->_M_finish;
*(building **)&vec->_M_finish = (building *)(finish_00 + 1);
move_count = (long)finish_00 + (-8 - (long)target_slot) >> 3;
if (move_count != 0) {
memmove(finish_00 + move_count * 0x1fffffffffffffff,target_slot,move_count * 8);
*target_slot = *item;
start = vec->_M_start;
size = (long)((long)finish - (long)start) >> 3;
if (size == 0) {
new_size = 8;
count = 1;
index = (long)((long)target_slot - (long)start) >> 3;
else {
count = size * 2;
if ((count < size) || (0x1fffffffffffffff < count)) {
new_size = 0xfffffffffffffff8;
count = 0x1fffffffffffffff;
index = (long)((long)target_slot - (long)start) >> 3;
else {
new_start = (building **)0x0;
new_size = size << 4;
index = (long)((long)target_slot - (long)start) >> 3;
if (count == 0) goto LAB_004dd613;
new_start = (building **)alloc_pointer_array(count);
if (new_start + index != (building **)0x0) {
new_start[index] = *item;
byte_index_00 = 0;
index_00 = (long)((long)target_slot - (long)vec->_M_start) >> 3;
if (index_00 != 0) {
byte_index_00 = index_00 * 8;
new_target_slot_next = (building **)((long)new_start + byte_index_00 + 8);
move_count_bytes_00 = 0;
move_count_00 = (long)((long)vec->_M_finish - (long)target_slot) >> 3;
if (move_count_00 != 0) {
move_count_bytes_00 = move_count_00 * 8;
new_target_slot_next =
(building **)memmove(new_target_slot_next,target_slot,move_count_bytes_00);
if (vec->_M_start != (building **)0x0) {
vec->_M_start = new_start;
vec->_M_finish = (building **)(move_count_bytes_00 + (long)new_target_slot_next);
vec->_M_end_of_storage = (building **)(new_size + (long)new_start);
void ** alloc_pointer_array(size_t count)
void **array;
if (count < 0x2000000000000000) {
array = (void **) << 3);
return array;
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
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