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Last active September 10, 2020 19:13
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# --------------------------------------------------------------
# + csTextShortcuts()
# Version: 0.2.0
# Last Updated: August 23rd, 2018
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# - Sets better defaults for the ContactSheet node in nuke, to automate all of the settings
# - Creates a second text node option that automatically sets bounding box & label
# - Finally, combines all this code together (and repeats in some areas for clarity) to make a fully-automatic ContactSheet node with the click of a button!
# Add this to
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# ----- CREATE BETTER CONTACT SHEET DEFAULTS -------------------------------
# Sets relevant expressions in relevant knobs to automagically figure out the contact sheet's resolution, rows, columns, etc.
nuke.knobDefault("ContactSheet.width", '{"input.width * columns * resMult"}')
nuke.knobDefault("ContactSheet.height", '{"input.height * rows * resMult"}')
nuke.knobDefault("ContactSheet.roworder", 'TopBottom')
nuke.knobDefault("ContactSheet.colorder", 'LeftRight')
nuke.knobDefault("ContactSheet.rows", '{"ceil(inputs/columns)"}')
nuke.knobDefault("ContactSheet.columns", '{"ceil(sqrt(inputs))"}')
# We have to define a function, which will be used to add the resolution multiplier knob.
def OnCScreation():
cs = nuke.thisNode()
k = nuke.Double_Knob('resMult', "Resolution Multiplier")
if cs != None:
# addOnCreate function says, "when I create a contact sheet node, run the OnCScreation fuction"
nuke.addOnCreate(OnCScreation, nodeClass="ContactSheet")
# ----- CREATE TEXT NODE SHORTCUTS -------------------------------
# Define the function
def csTextShortcuts():
nodes = nuke.selectedNodes()
for node in nodes:
# Checks whether the class of the selected node/nodes is a Read node or something else, and sets a variable which we will use to label our text nodes accordingly a bit later...
if node.Class() == "Read":
textValue = " [basename [file rootname [value [topnode].file]]]"
textValue = " [value]"
# Creates a text node underneath every selected node & connects its input accordingly
textNode = nuke.createNode("Text2")
textNode.setInput(0, node)
# Set the bbox of the text node to match the input format
textNode['box'].setValue(0, 0)
textNode['box'].setValue(0, 1)
textNode['box'].setExpression("input.width", 2)
textNode['box'].setExpression("input.height", 3)
# Add relevant label as per the if/else statement above
textNode['label'].setValue('[value message]')
# Force an update of the GUI to make sure labels are displayed correctly
# Add our Text Autolabel node to the Draw menu"Nodes").addCommand("Draw/Text (Autolabel)", 'csTextShortcuts()')
# ----- AUTOMATIC CONTACT SHEET -------------------------------
def autoContactSheet():
# Start by creating lists to hold certain information -- this will become clear as we get into things
nodeList = []
xVals = []
yVals = []
# Loop through all selected nodes in the node graph
for node in nuke.selectedNodes():
# Checks whether the class of the selected node/nodes is a Read node or something else, and sets a variable which we will use to label our text nodes accordingly a bit later...
if node.Class() == "Read":
textValue = " [basename [file rootname [value [topnode].file]]]"
textValue = " [value]"
# Creates a text node underneath every selected node & connects its input accordingly
textNode = nuke.createNode("Text2")
textNode.setInput(0, node)
# Set the bbox of the text node to match the input format
textNode['box'].setValue(0, 0)
textNode['box'].setValue(0, 1)
textNode['box'].setExpression("input.width", 2)
textNode['box'].setExpression("input.height", 3)
# Add relevant label as per the if/else statement above
textNode['label'].setValue('[value message]')
# Add selected nodes to a list
# Add the X and Y position of all selected nodes to their respective lists
# Create a contact sheet node. This will come in with the new defaults we set above!
cs = nuke.createNode("ContactSheet")
# Add custom knobs to the User tab to allow some control of our text nodes (User tab is created automatically by Nuke)
cs.addKnob(nuke.Boolean_Knob('showText', 'Show Text', True))
textBG_ops = "None", "Shadow", "Solid"
cs.addKnob(nuke.Enumeration_Knob('textBG', 'Text Background', textBG_ops))
cs.addKnob(nuke.Double_Knob('textSize', 'Text Size'))
iterator = 0
# Add relevant expressions to our text nodes, so the Text size & background options work as expected
for nodes in nodeList:
cs.setInput(iterator, nodes)
nodes['enable_background'].setExpression(cs['name'].value()+".textBG == 2 ? 1 : 0")
nodes['enable_shadows'].setExpression(cs['name'].value()+".textBG == 1 ? 1 : 0")
nodes['disable'].setExpression(cs['name'].value()+".showText == 1 ? 0 : 1")
iterator = iterator + 1
# Find the average of all selected nodes' X and Y positions
avgXpos = sum(xVals) / len(nodeList)
avgYpos = sum(yVals) / len(nodeList)
# Force set the position of our newly created contact sheet in the node graph
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