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Created March 10, 2016 04:32
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  • Save BenMcLean/df6eab3c258a218aa1e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BenMcLean/df6eab3c258a218aa1e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows Batch Tic-Tac-Toe
@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo Written by Benjamin McLean
echo Controls:
echo|set /p="7 | 8 | 9"
echo --+---+--
echo|set /p="4 | 5 | 6"
echo --+---+--
echo|set /p="1 | 2 | 3"
set /a X=1
set /a O=2
set /a winner=0
set /P players="Number of players? (0-2) "
if %players% == 0 goto :validplayernumber
if %players% == 1 goto :validplayernumber
if %players% == 2 goto :validplayernumber
echo Invalid entry.
goto :numberofplayers
set /a human=0
if not %players% == 1 goto :humanset
set /P human="Human player gets X or O? "
if "%human%" == "X" set /a human=%X%
if "%human%" == "x" set /a human=%X%
if "%human%" == "O" set /a human=%O%
if "%human%" == "o" set /a human=%O%
if %human% == %X% goto :humanset
if %human% == %O% goto :humanset
echo Unknown entry.
echo|set /p="Choosing random human player: "
set /a human=%random% %% 2 + 1
call :drawsquare %human%
set /P player="Who goes first? X or O? "
if "%player%" == "X" set /a player=%X%
if "%player%" == "x" set /a player=%X%
if "%player%" == "O" set /a player=%O%
if "%player%" == "o" set /a player=%O%
if %player% == %X% goto :firstset
if %player% == %O% goto :firstset
echo Unknown entry.
echo|set /p="Choosing random first player: "
set /a player=%random% %% 2 + 1
call :drawsquare %player%
rem Clearing the board
for /l %%i in (1, 1, 9) do set /a BOARD%%i=0
set /a move=0
if %players% == 2 goto :callhumanmove
if %players% == 1 if %human% == %player% goto :callhumanmove
call :computermove %player%
goto :donemoving
call :humanmove %player%
call :checkstalemate
call :checkwinner 1
call :checkwinner 2
if not %winner% == 0 goto :youwon
if %move% == 0 (
echo Goodbye.
goto :eof
if %player% == %X% (set /a player=%O%) else set /a player=%X%
goto :mainloop
call :drawboard
if %winner% == -1 (
echo It's a draw.
) else (
echo|set /p="Winner: "
call :drawsquare %winner%
goto :eof
if not %BOARD1% == %1 goto :checkwinner1done
if %BOARD2% == %1 if %BOARD3% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
if %BOARD5% == %1 if %BOARD9% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
if %BOARD4% == %1 if %BOARD7% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
if not %BOARD5% == %1 goto :checkwinner5done
if %BOARD4% == %1 if %BOARD6% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
if %BOARD2% == %1 if %BOARD8% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
if %BOARD3% == %1 if %BOARD7% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
if not %BOARD9% == %1 goto :eof
if %BOARD7% == %1 if %BOARD8% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
if %BOARD3% == %1 if %BOARD6% == %1 (
set /a winner=%1
goto :eof
goto :eof
for /l %%i in (0, 1, 9) do (
if !BOARD%%i! == 0 goto :eof
set /a winner=-1
goto :eof
call :drawsquare %BOARD7%
echo|set /p="| "
call :drawsquare %BOARD8%
echo|set /p="| "
call :drawsquare %BOARD9%
echo --+---+--
call :drawsquare %BOARD4%
echo|set /p="| "
call :drawsquare %BOARD5%
echo|set /p="| "
call :drawsquare %BOARD6%
echo --+---+--
call :drawsquare %BOARD1%
echo|set /p="| "
call :drawsquare %BOARD2%
echo|set /p="| "
call :drawsquare %BOARD3%
goto :eof
if %1 == %X% (
echo|set /p="X "
) else if %1 == %O% (
echo|set /p="O "
) else (
echo|set /p=". "
goto :eof
call :drawboard
echo|set /p="Human player "
call :drawsquare %1
set /P move="- your move? (1-9) "
if %move% == 0 goto :eof
for /l %%i in (0, 1, 9) do (
if %move% == %%i if !BOARD%%i! == 0 goto :validhumanmove
echo Invalid move.
goto :humanmove
set /a BOARD%move%=%1
goto :eof
set /a almost=0
set /a almostwho = %1
if not %BOARD1% == %1 goto :checkalmost1done
if %BOARD2% == %1 if %BOARD3% == 0 (
set /a almost=3
goto :eof
if %BOARD3% == %1 if %BOARD2% == 0 (
set /a almost=2
goto :eof
if %BOARD5% == %1 if %BOARD9% == 0 (
set /a almost=9
goto :eof
if %BOARD9% == %1 if %BOARD5% == 0 (
set /a almost=5
goto :eof
if %BOARD4% == %1 if %BOARD7% == 0 (
set /a almost=7
goto :eof
if %BOARD7% == %1 if %BOARD4% == 0 (
set /a almost=4
goto :eof
if not %BOARD1% == 0 goto :checkalmostnot1done
if %BOARD2% == %1 if %BOARD3% == %1 (
set /a almost=1
goto :eof
if %BOARD4% == %1 if %BOARD7% == %1 (
set /a almost=1
goto :eof
if %BOARD5% == %1 if %BOARD9% == %1 (
set /a almost=1
goto :eof
if not %BOARD5% == %1 goto :checkalmost5done
if %BOARD4% == %1 if %BOARD6% == 0 (
set /a almost=6
goto :eof
if %BOARD6% == %1 if %BOARD4% == 0 (
set /a almost=4
goto :eof
if %BOARD2% == %1 if %BOARD8% == 0 (
set /a almost=8
goto :eof
if %BOARD8% == %1 if %BOARD2% == 0 (
set /a almost=2
goto :eof
if %BOARD3% == %1 if %BOARD7% == 0 (
set /a almost=7
goto :eof
if %BOARD7% == %1 if %BOARD3% == 0 (
set /a almost=3
goto :eof
if not %BOARD5% == 0 goto :checkalmostnot5done
if %BOARD4% == %1 if %BOARD6% == %1 (
set /a almost=5
goto :eof
if %BOARD2% == %1 if %BOARD8% == %1 (
set /a almost=5
goto :eof
if %BOARD3% == %1 if %BOARD7% == %1 (
set /a almost=5
goto :eof
if not %BOARD9% == %1 goto :checkalmost9done
if %BOARD7% == %1 if %BOARD8% == 0 (
set /a almost=8
goto :eof
if %BOARD8% == %1 if %BOARD7% == 0 (
set /a almost=7
goto :eof
if %BOARD3% == %1 if %BOARD6% == 0 (
set /a almost=6
goto :eof
if %BOARD6% == %1 if %BOARD3% == 0 (
set /a almost=3
goto :eof
if not %BOARD9% == 0 goto :eof
if %BOARD7% == %1 if %BOARD8% == %1 (
set /a almost=9
goto :eof
if %BOARD3% == %1 if %BOARD6% == %1 (
set /a almost=9
goto :eof
goto :eof
call :drawboard
echo|set /p="Computer player "
call :drawsquare %1
echo|set /p="move."
set /a move=0
if %1 == 2 goto :computercheckalmost2
call :checkalmost 1
call :movealmost %1
if not %move% == 0 goto :eof
call :checkalmost 2
call :movealmost %1
if not %move% == 0 goto :eof
goto :computercheckalmost2done
call :checkalmost 2
call :movealmost %1
if not %move% == 0 goto :eof
call :checkalmost 1
call :movealmost %1
if not %move% == 0 goto :eof
if not %BOARD5% == 0 goto :computernotmoving5
set /a move=5
set /a BOARD%move%=%1
goto :eof
set /a blanks=0
for /l %%i in (1, 1, 9) do (
if !BOARD%%i! == 0 set /a blanks=blanks + 1
set /a blank=%random% %% %blanks%
set /a countup=0
set /a countup=countup + 1
if !BOARD%countup%! == 0 (
set /a blank=blank - 1
if %blank% == 0 (
set /a move=%countup%
goto :randomloopover
goto :randomloop
set /a BOARD%move%=%1
goto :eof
if %almost% == 0 goto :eof
set /a move=almost
set /a BOARD%move%=%1
goto :eof
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I might consider that but it's very easy to just run the script again.

I have thought about improving the AI to prefer squares with more possibilities of winning. If I ever get around to revising for that feature then I'll try to remember to also add a prompt to play again.

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