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Created May 16, 2014 07:51
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Spree install commands
spree install app
Accept all:
spree install app -A
spree install app --auto_accept true
Skip the migrations and seed data:
spree install app --skip-data-install true
Change the version of spree:
spree install app --version '2.0.0'
Get the edge version of spree (latest version, not master...)
spree install app --edge
You can also specify the path, git url, ref, branch, and tag (but not the github!), example:
spree install app --git 'spree/spree'
Also be aware that in spree, it hard codes 2-1-stable... This is a bug.
To escape this, say no to installing spree_auth_devise and spree_gateway.
Then add them after with branchs you actually need.
And here's a trick:
spree install takes one argument: the app.
The default is `.`
If you provide no argument, it will install it from directory `.`
Instead of:
rails new app
spree install app
You can instead do:
rails new app
cd app
spree install
Now you're hip with spree installations.
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