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Created October 29, 2013 14:54
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Script to connect to a list of vCenter Servers, and get their version numbers, as well as the version numbers of their hosts
# Script to connect to a list of vCenter Servers, and get their version numbers, as well as the version numbers of their hosts
# Ben Neise
# 02/10/09
# Array of vCenter Servers
$arrVCenterServers = @("server1","server2","server3")
# Create empty arrays for the results
$arrTableVCs = @()
$arrTableHosts = @()
# Loop through the array of vCenter servers specified above
ForEach ($strVCenterServer in $arrVCenterServers){
# Connect to the VC
$objVCenterServer = Connect-VIServer $strVCenterServer
# Version info about the VC you are connected to
$viewVCenterServer = Get-View serviceinstance
# Add custom attributes to each VC objects for version and build
$objVCenterServer | Add-Member -Name Version -type noteproperty -value ($viewVCenterServer.content.about.Version) -Force
$objVCenterServer | Add-Member -Name Build -type noteproperty -value ($viewVCenterServer.content.about.Build) -Force
# Add the VC object to the results array
$arrTableVCs += $objVCenterServer
# When connected to loop through the hosts managed by the VC
ForEach ($objHost in (Get-VMhost | Sort-Object)){
# Get the view for the current host
$viewHost = $objHost | Get-View
# Add custom attributes to the host object for VC server, Host and Version
$objHost | Add-Member -Name VCServer -type noteproperty -value $objVCenterServer.Name -Force
$objHost | Add-Member -Name Host -type noteproperty -value $viewHost.Name -Force
$objHost | Add-Member -Name Version -type noteproperty -value $viewHost.Config.Product.Version -Force
# Add the host object to the results array
$arrTableHosts += $objHost
# Disconnect from the VC server
Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False
# Output the VC results (can be modified to output to a CSV with Export-CSV)
$arrTableVCs | Select-Object Name, Version, Build | Sort-Object Name
# Output the Host results (can be modified to output to a CSV with Export-CSV)
$arrTableHosts | Select-Object VCServer, Host, Version, Build | Format-Table
# End of script
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