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Created October 29, 2013 15:03
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# Script to deploy linked clones
# List of custom attributes which you're wanting to copy from the template or parent to the newly created machine
# (Machines deployed from templates no longer inherit CAs in vSphere 4.0)
# These help us track provenance, and provide information to the user
$arrStrAttributesToCopy = @(
"AD Object Location",
"Infrastructure Consultant",
"Logon Administrator Name",
"Logon Administrator Password",
"Logon User Name",
"Logon User Password",
"Mobilisation Consultant",
# Name of the Custom Attribute on the parent which contains the name of the customisation to use
$CustomFieldName = "Customisation"
Function DeployLinkedClone ($strSourceVM, $intToBeDeployed, $intStartDeployingAtNumber, $CustomFieldName){
# Bases the name of the machine on the second part of the string split by spaces. This assumes that the template follows the standard naming convention of "Tmpl [Name] x.x"
$strMachinePrefix = ($strSourceVM.split(' ')[1])
$objVM = Get-VM $strSourceVM
$viewVM = $objVM | Get-View
$objCustomization = Get-OSCustomizationSpec ($objVM.CustomFields.Item($CustomFieldName))
# Ensure that the machines does not have a non persistent HD
If ($objVM | Get-HardDisk | Where-Object {$_.Persistence -like "IndependentNonPersistent"}){
Write-Host $objTemplate has a non-persistent HD!
# If the customisation, as specified in the parent's custom attribute does not exist, then quit.
If (!$objCustomization){
Write-Host Customisation ($objVM.CustomFields.Item($CustomFieldName)) not found. Exiting.
$i = 1
Do {
# Convert the single digit integer (i.e., "1") into a double digit (i.e., "01")
$strMachineNumber = ("{0:0#}" -f $intStartDeployingAtNumber)
# Concatenate the machine name prefix (from the template name) with the double-digit integer, which is incrememted on each loop
$strMachineBeingDeployed = $strMachinePrefix+$strMachineNumber
# Check that the machine doesn't already exist
If ((Get-VM -Name $strMachineBeingDeployed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
Write-Host "Machine $strMachineBeingDeployed already exists!"
# Let the user know what's going on
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Deploying new linked-clone " -NoNewline
Write-Host $strMachineBeingDeployed -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline
Write-Host ", from template " -NoNewline
Write-Host $strSourceVM -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline
Write-Host ", using customisation " -NoNewline
Write-Host $objCustomization -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline
Write-Host ", on the same Host as the parent" -NoNewline
Write-Host ""
# Create the new machine using all these variables
$objFolder = $viewVM.parent
$specClone = New-Object Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineCloneSpec
# Get the most recent snapshot attached to the machine
$specClone.Snapshot = $viewVM.Snapshot.CurrentSnapshot
# Create an object to represent the location of the clone
$specClone.Location = New-Object Vmware.Vim.VirtualMachineRelocateSpec
# This is the move-type that specifies the new disk backing (which is the bit that makes a linked clone)
$specClone.Location.DiskMoveType = "createNewChildDiskBacking"
# Run the task with the specified parameters
$task = $viewVM.CloneVM_Task($objFolder, $strMachineBeingDeployed, $specClone)
Get-VIObjectByVIView $task | Wait-Task | Out-Null
# Get the object for the machine which was just deployed
$objTargetVM = Get-VM $strMachineBeingDeployed
# Apply the customisation specification to the newly created clone
Set-VM -VM $objTargetVM -OSCustomizationSpec $objCustomization -Confirm:$false
# Start the clone
Start-VM -VM $objTargetVM
# Get the view (needed for writing custom attributes)
$viewTarget = $objTargetVM | Get-View
# Loop through each of the custom attributes which are to be copied
ForEach ($arrStrAttributeToCopy in $arrStrAttributesToCopy){
# Read the attribute from the source template
$objAttribute = $objVM.CustomFields.Item($arrStrAttributeToCopy)
# Apply the attribute to the machine object
# Set the "Template" custom attribute to the parent templates
$arrStrAttributeToCopy = "Template"
# Increment the number used for naming the machines
$intStartDeployingAtNumber ++
# Increment the number used to count the number of machines deployed
$i ++
# Continue to loop while the number of machines deployed is less than the number required
While ($i -le $intToBeDeployed)
# Get the current time (for timing how long the script took to run)
$dteStart = Get-Date
# Name of source VM, should be persistent, should have a snapshot and the customisation specified in the nominated custom attribute
$strSourceVM = "Tmpl Capture 1.0"
# Number to be deployed
$intToBeDeployed = 25
# Number to start deploying from
$intStartDeployingAtNumber = 1
DeployLinkedClone $strSourceVM $intToBeDeployed $intStartDeployingAtNumber $CustomFieldName
# Name of source VM, should be persistent, should have a snapshot and the customisation specified in the nominated custom attribute
$strSourceVM = "Tmpl Packaging 1.0"
# Number to be deployed
$intToBeDeployed = 25
# Number to start deploying from
$intStartDeployingAtNumber = 1
DeployLinkedClone $strSourceVM $intToBeDeployed $intStartDeployingAtNumber $CustomFieldName
# Name of source VM, should be persistent, should have a snapshot and the customisation specified in the nominated custom attribute
$strSourceVM = "Tmpl Verification 1.0"
# Number to be deployed
$intToBeDeployed = 25
# Number to start deploying from
$intStartDeployingAtNumber = 1
DeployLinkedClone $strSourceVM $intToBeDeployed $intStartDeployingAtNumber $CustomFieldName
$dteEnd = Get-Date
$dteDiff = New-TimeSpan $dteStart $dteEnd
$timeTaken = [math]::round($dteDiff.totalMinutes, 2)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "It took" $timeTaken "minutes for these machines to deploy"
# End of script
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