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Created February 3, 2014 15:27
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Powershell function to get PCOIP statistics gatherered via WMI from the target machine
Function Get-PCOIPStatsViaWMI {
Returns PCOIP statistics via WMI
This function displays PCOIP statistics gatherered via WMI from the
target machine
Get-PCOIPStatsViaWMI -Computer "Computer1"
Get PCOIP stats from a single computer
Get-PCOIPStatsViaWMI -Computer @("Computer1","Computer2")
Get PCOIP stats from one or more computers
.Parameter Computer
The name of the remote computer.
AUTHOR: Ben Neise
#Requires -Version 3.0
Param (
Mandatory = $true,
Position = 0,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
Begin {
$arrResults = @()
Process {
ForEach ($strComputerName in $Computer){
Try {
Write-Verbose -Message ("Getting WMI information from remoate machine")
$objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics = Get-WMIObject -Class "Win32_PerfRawData_TeradiciPerf_PCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics" -ComputerName $strComputerName -ErrorAction "Stop"
$objWMIPCoIPSessionNetworkStatistics = Get-WMIObject -Class "Win32_PerfRawData_TeradiciPerf_PCoIPSessionNetworkStatistics" -ComputerName $strComputerName -ErrorAction "Stop"
$objWMIPCoIPPCoIPSessionAudioStatistics = Get-WMIObject -Class "Win32_PerfRawData_TeradiciPerf_PCoIPSessionAudioStatistics" -ComputerName $strComputerName -ErrorAction "Stop"
$objWMIPCoIPSessionImagingStatistics = Get-WMIObject -Class "Win32_PerfRawData_TeradiciPerf_PCoIPSessionImagingStatistics" -ComputerName $strComputerName -ErrorAction "Stop"
$objWMIPCoIPSessionUSBStatistics = Get-WMIObject -Class "Win32_PerfRawData_TeradiciPerf_PCoIPSessionUSBStatistics" -ComputerName $strComputerName -ErrorAction "Stop"
Catch {
Write-Error -Message "Can't get PCOIP information via WMI from $strComputerName"
$arrStatistics = @(
($objSessionDurationSeconds = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Session Duration Seconds"
Description = "An incrementing number that represents the total number of seconds the PCoIP session has been open."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics.SessionDurationSeconds
($objBytesReceived = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Bytes Received"
Description = "Total number of bytes that have been received since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics.BytesReceived
($objBytesSent = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Bytes Sent"
Description = "Total number of bytes that have been transmitted since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics.BytesSent
($objPacketsReceived = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Packets Received"
Description = "Total number of packets that have been received since the PCoIP session started. Note that not all packets are the same size."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics.PacketsReceived
($objTXPacketsLost = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "TX Packets Lost"
Description = "Total number of transmit packets that have been lost since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics.TXPacketsLost
($objRXPacketsLost = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "RX Packets Lost"
Description = "Total number of receive packets that have been lost since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics.RXPacketsLost
($objPacketsSent = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Packets Sent"
Description = "Total number of packets that have been transmitted since the PCoIP session started. Note that not all packets are the same size."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionGeneralStatistics.PacketsSent
($objRoundTripLatencyms = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Round Trip Latency ms"
Description = "Round trip latency (in milliseconds) between server and client."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionNetworkStatistics.RoundTripLatencyms
($objRXBWPeakkbitPersec = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "RX BW Peak kbit/sec"
Description = "Peak bandwidth for incoming PCoIP packets within a one second sampling period."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionNetworkStatistics.RXBWPeakkbitPersec
($objTXBWActiveLimitkbitPersec = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "TX BW Active Limit kbit/sec"
Description = "The current estimate of the available network bandwidth, updated every second."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionNetworkStatistics.TXBWActiveLimitkbitPersec
($objAudioBytesReceived = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Audio Bytes Received"
Description = "Total number of audio bytes that have been received since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPPCoIPSessionAudioStatistics.AudioBytesReceived
($objAudioBytesSent = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Audio Bytes Sent"
Description = "Total number of audio bytes that have been sent since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPPCoIPSessionAudioStatistics.AudioBytesSent
($objAudioTXBWLimitkbitPersec = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Audio TX BW Limit kbit/sec"
Description = "Transmit bandwidth limit for outgoing audio packets as defined by the GPO setting."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPPCoIPSessionAudioStatistics.AudioTXBWLimitkbitPersec
($objImagingBytesReceived = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Imaging Bytes Received"
Description = "Total number of imaging bytes that have been received since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionImagingStatistics.ImagingBytesReceived
($objImagingBytesSent = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Imaging Bytes Sent"
Description = "Total number of imaging bytes that have been sent since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionImagingStatistics.ImagingBytesSent
($objImagingEncodedFramesPersec = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Imaging Encoded Frames/sec"
Description = "The number of imaging frames which were encoded over a one second sampling period."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionImagingStatistics.ImagingEncodedFramesPersec
($objImagingActiveMinimumQuality = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Imaging Active Minimum Quality"
Description = "The lowest encoded quality (0 to 100), updated every second. Not to be confused with the GPO setting."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionImagingStatistics.ImagingActiveMinimumQuality
($objImagingDecoderCapabilitykbitPersec = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "Imaging Decoder Capability kbit/sec"
Description = "The current estimate of the decoder processing capability."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionImagingStatistics.ImagingDecoderCapabilitykbitPersec
($objUSBBytesReceived = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "USB Bytes Received"
Description = "Total number of USB bytes that have been received since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionUSBStatistics.USBBytesReceived
($objUSBBytesSent = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $strComputerName
Name = "USB Bytes Sent"
Description = "Total number of USB bytes that have been sent since the PCoIP session started."
Value = $objWMIPCoIPSessionUSBStatistics.USBBytesSent
ForEach ($arrStatistic in $arrStatistics){
$arrResults += $arrStatistic
End {
Return $arrResults
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