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Created July 13, 2012 22:34
Show Gist options
  • Save BenTheHokie/3107992 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BenTheHokie/3107992 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script will ask if you want to use the saved playlist and will ask for the song and match.
# matching script
from printnesteddictionary import print_dict
import re
import random
import unicodedata
import pickle
plDir = 'directory to save file'
playlist = []
lsk_auth = 'auth+live+xxxxxxxx'
lsk_userid = '4e7c70bc4fe7d052ef034402'
cts_room = '4e24362314169c7c23033e77'
def strpAcc(s):
return ''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'))
def replPunct(strng): #stripping characters function
#strng = strpAcc(strng)
strng = strng.replace(' ','')
strng = strng.replace('.','')
strng = strng.replace(',','')
strng = strng.replace('?','')
strng = strng.replace('/','')
strng = strng.replace('\\','')
strng = strng.replace("'",'')
strng = strng.replace('"','')
strng = strng.replace('(','')
strng = strng.replace(')','')
strng = strng.replace('-','')
strng = strng.replace('+','')
strng = strng.replace('@','')
strng = strng.replace('_','')
strng = strng.replace('=','')
strng = strng.replace('*','')
#strng = strng.replace('&','') #ampersands don't count
strng = strng.replace('!','')
strng = strng.replace('#','')
strng = strng.replace('$','')
strng = strng.replace('%%','')
strng = strng.replace('^','')
strng = strng.replace('_','')
strng = strng.replace(':','')
strng = strng.replace('[','')
strng = strng.replace(']','')
strng = strng.replace('<','')
strng = strng.replace('>','')
strng = strng.replace('{','')
strng = strng.replace('}','')
strng = strng.replace('|','')
strng = strng.replace('^','')
strng = strng.replace('~','')
strng = strng.replace('`','')
strng = strng.replace('\000','')
strng = strng.replace(u'\u00F6','o')
strng = strng.replace(u'\u00d6','o')
strng = strng.replace(u'\u2019','')
strng = strng.replace(u'\u2018','')
strng = strng.replace('1','')
strng = strng.replace('`','')
return strng.lower()
def match():
global playlist
while True:
song = raw_input('Song: ')
artist = raw_input('Artist: ')
print 'Begin matching...'
fmtartist = replPunct(artist)
fmtsong = replPunct(song)
print('Checking for artist: %s and song: "%s"...' % (fmtartist,fmtsong))
possMatch = []
for a in range(len(fmtartist)-3):
#print 'Artist to be matched: %s' % fmtartist[a:a+4]
for i in range(len(playlist)):
#print 'Song to be matched to: %s Artist: %s' % (replPunct(playlist[i]['metadata']['song']),replPunct(playlist[i]['metadata']['artist']))
if (fmtartist[a:a+4] in replPunct(playlist[i]['metadata']['song']) or fmtartist[a:a+4] in replPunct(playlist[i]['metadata']['artist'])):
if not(playlist[i]['metadata']['artist'].lower() in artist.lower() or artist.lower() in playlist[i]['metadata']['artist'].lower()):
alreadyAdded = False
for k in range(len(possMatch)):
if possMatch[k]['idx']==i:
alreadyAdded = True
if not(alreadyAdded):
#print 'Match: %s' % fmtartist[a:a+4]
#print 'Song: %s' % playlist[i]['metadata']['song'].lower().replace(u'\u2019','').replace(u'\u2018','')
#print 'Artist: %s' % playlist[i]['metadata']['artist'].lower().replace(u'\u2019','').replace(u'\u2018','')
print('Finished artist search...')
for a in range(len(fmtsong)-3):
for i in range(len(playlist)):
if (fmtsong[a:a+4] in replPunct(playlist[i]['metadata']['song']) or fmtsong[a:a+4] in replPunct(playlist[i]['metadata']['artist'])):
if not(playlist[i]['metadata']['song'].lower() in song.lower() or song.lower() in playlist[i]['metadata']['song'].lower()):
alreadyAdded = False
for k in range(len(possMatch)):
if possMatch[k]['idx']==i:
alreadyAdded = True
if not(alreadyAdded):
#print len(possMatch)
print('Finished song search...')
for i in range(len(possMatch)):
print 'Song: "%s" Artist: %s Match: "%s"' % (possMatch[i]['song'].replace(u'\u2019','').replace(u'\u2018',''),possMatch[i]['artist'].replace(u'\u2019','').replace(u'\u2018',''),possMatch[i]['match'])
randSong = random.randint(0,len(possMatch)-1)
print('%d available songs found.' % len(possMatch))
print('Selected "%s" by %s with match "%s".' % (possMatch[randSong]['song'].replace(u'\u2019','').replace(u'\u2018',''),possMatch[randSong]['artist'].replace(u'\u2019','').replace(u'\u2018',''),possMatch[randSong]['match']))
if len(possMatch) == 0:
for i in range(3): print 'NO MATCHES!!!'
ans = ' '
while not(ans[0] == 'y' or ans[0]=='n'):
if ans == '': ans = ' '
ans = raw_input('Use saved playlist? (y/n) ')
if ans[0]=='n':
from ttapi import Bot
AUTH = lsk_auth
USERID = lsk_userid
ROOMID = cts_room
def roomChanged(data):
def storePl(pldata):
global plDir,playlist
filePl = open(plDir,'w')
print 'Playlist saved in backup...'
playlist = pldata['list']
print playlist
print 'Playlist stored in memory...'
print 'Left room...'
elif ans[0]=='y':
filePl = open(plDir,'r')
playlist = pickle.load(filePl)
print playlist
print 'Playlist stored in memory...'
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