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Created January 29, 2011 07:47
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Save BenWard/801657 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A smarter bookmarklet for; wraps selected text in <blockquote> tags, keeps variables out of the global scope, supports filling tags from rel="tag" markup in the page, and titles from hAtom entry titles.
(function() {
// Change `silent` to true to invoke the promptless, self-closing
// version of the bookmarklet.
var silent = false;
var url = location.href;
var title = document.title;
// Look for a single hAtom entry on the page, and iff one is found, extract
// the entry-title in place of the document title:
if(document.querySelector) {
if(1 === document.getElementsByClassName('hentry').length) {
title = document.querySelector(
'.hentry .entry-title, .hentry h1, .hentry h2, .hentry h3'
// Grab the text selection (if any) and <blockquote> it in the description.
if('' !== (text = String(document.getSelection()))) {
text = ['<blockquote>', text, '</blockquote>', "\n\n"].join('');
// Grab all rel-tag microformats from the page and prefix the tags param
if(document.querySelectorAll) {
var tags = []
function(a) {
return a.href.split('/').pop();
).join(' ');
// Assembles default form pre-fill arguments.
// Note: 'tags' is not currently supported but should be.
var args = [
'', encodeURIComponent(url),
'&description=', encodeURIComponent(text),
'&tags', encodeURIComponent(tags),
'&title=', encodeURIComponent(title)
// If silent mode, add the auto-close parameter and read-later flag:
if(silent) {
args = args.concat([
'&later=', 'yes',
'&jump=', 'close'
var pin = open(args.join(''), 'Pinboard', 'toolbar=no,width=610,height=350');
// Send the window to the background if silent mode.
if(silent) {
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zalary commented Feb 3, 2011

thank you for this!

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dmcinnes commented Feb 3, 2011

Awesome, thanks!

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jc commented Feb 10, 2011

Thanks this is great (and much better than my home brewed solution). Although I really wish would allow for the tags field to be pre-filled.

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pyxze commented Jul 5, 2011

Dear JC., To achieve that effect just search for &tags and change it to &tags=tag. Sincerely, JC

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drking commented Aug 25, 2012

Fantastic! Thank you.

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Hey - I just found this in a search because I wanted to auto-fill the description when bookmarking...and didn't realise that if you select text before using the standard bookmarklet, the description is populated with the selected text. But I worked that out once I used this bookmarklet and realised what was going on. So anyway - thanks for that!

I'm trying to work out why you're wrapping in blockquotes - why do you do that? Is it just a personal preference thing or am I missing something obvious?

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