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Last active December 27, 2020 07:25
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proton vpn
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import urllib
import urllib.request
import ipaddress
import socket
import dns.resolver
# pip install dnspython
url_data = urllib.request.urlopen('')
proton = json.loads("utf-8"))
proton_ip = []
for servers in proton['LogicalServers']:
for server in servers['Servers']:
entry_ip = int(ipaddress.ip_address(server['EntryIP'])) & 4294967040 #
if not entry_ip in proton_ip:
exit_ip = int(ipaddress.ip_address(server['ExitIP'])) & 4294967040 #
if not exit_ip in proton_ip:
proton_ip_asn = []
for ip_24 in proton_ip:
ip_1 = (ip_24 >> 24) & 0xff
ip_2 = (ip_24 >> 16) & 0xff
ip_3 = (ip_24 >> 8) & 0xff
url = '0.' + str(ip_3) + '.' + str(ip_2) + '.' + str(ip_1) + ''
ips_asn = []
for ans in dns.resolver.resolve(url, 'TXT'):
ip_asn = str(ans).split(' | ')[1]
ips_asn.append((ip_asn, ip_asn.split('/')[1]))
if not ips_asn:
# Find the asn with the max /** to avoid too many hosts being included
ips_asn.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse = True)
if not ips_asn[0][0] in proton_ip_asn:
for ip in proton_ip_asn:
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