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Created March 7, 2012 19:51
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Faking Protected Methods in Objective-C
// main.m
// Protected
// Created by Benedict Cohen on 07/03/2012.
// Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
// Unlike other object orientated languages Objective-C does not
// provide a mechanism for scoping methods as public, protected or private.
// In Objective-C all methods are essentially public. Private methods can be
// faked by declaring the methods within an anonymous @interface within the
// implementation file (i.e. the .m file).
// That only leaves protected methods. The common practice is to simply make
// a note in the documentation or in a comment that a method should be treated
// as protected. This approach isn't ideal because:
// - Not everyone reads the comments/documentation
// - Code can change and the comments/documentation not updated
// The following is a macro that allows protected methods to be annotated in
// the code. It's incredibly simple. It works by appending a string to the end
// of the method name. It also works with properties too. The intend is not to
// enforce method scope but to indicate the indent of a method.
The macro
This is the macro that does the magic. It's stupidly simple
The string is append not prepended so that setters remain sane
#define PROTECTED(methodName) methodName ## _protected
This is the base class that has some protected methods
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface BaseClass : NSObject
//a protected method. Note that the colon is outside of the macro.
//a protected property.
@property(readwrite, nonatomic, strong) NSString * PROTECTED(aName);
@implementation BaseClass
//implmenting a protected method
NSLog(@"%@ - %@", [self className], NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
//implementing a protected property. Note that we are still specifing the name of the ivar to use to the property.
@synthesize PROTECTED(aName) = _aName;
This is the subclass which will access the protected methods
@interface SubClass : BaseClass
//Nothing special about these declarations
//this is simple exposing supers protected method
@property(readonly) NSString *aName;
@implementation SubClass
//Calling a protected method on super. Again, note that the colon is outside of the macro.
[super PROTECTED(aProtectedMethod):nil];
-(NSString *)aName
//It works with dot syntax too! (OK, this does look weird).
return super.PROTECTED(aName);
Other calling examples
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
//This line will not compile due to a 'method not found' error
//[[BaseClass new] aProtectedMethod:nil];
//Code-completion will still suggest the protected methods but they will be
//displayed as 'aProtectedMethod_protected:' so it's clear what there purpose is.
//This line will compile
[[BaseClass new] aProtectedMethod_protected:nil];
//This line will compile
[[SubClass new] callSuperProtected];
return 0;
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