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Created October 29, 2013 19:02
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TYPO3 Link ViewHelper
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2012-2013 Andy Hausmann <>
* (c) 2012-2013 Xaver Maierhofer <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Helper Class which makes various tools and helper available
* @author Andy Hausmann <>
* @author Xaver Maierhofer <>
* @package flexslider
* @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
class Tx_BdmFce_Utility_Div
* Better implementation of php's array_combine().
* This wont throw false in case both array haven't an identical size.
* @static
* @param array $a Array containing the keys.
* @param array $b Array containing the values.
* @param bool $pad Switch for allowing padding. Fills the combined array with empty values if any array is larger than the other one.
* @return array Combined array.
public static function combineArray($a, $b, $pad = true) {
$acount = count($a);
$bcount = count($b);
// more elements in $a than $b but we don't want to pad either
if (!$pad) {
$size = ($acount > $bcount) ? $bcount : $acount;
$a = array_slice($a, 0, $size);
$b = array_slice($b, 0, $size);
} else {
// more headers than row fields
if ($acount > $bcount) {
$more = $acount - $bcount;
// how many fields are we missing at the end of the second array?
// Add empty strings to ensure arrays $a and $b have same number of elements
$more = $acount - $bcount;
for($i = 0; $i < $more; $i++) {
$b[] = "";
// more fields than headers
} else if ($acount < $bcount) {
$more = $bcount - $acount;
// fewer elements in the first array, add extra keys
for($i = 0; $i < $more; $i++) {
$key = 'extra_field_0' . $i;
$a[] = $key;
return array_combine($a, $b);
* Returns the reference to a 'resource' in TypoScript.
* @param string $file File get a reference from - can contain EXT:ext_name
* @return mixed
public static function getFileResource($file)
return $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->getFileName($file);
* Checks a passed CSS or JS file and adds it to the Frontend.
* @param string $file File reference
* @param bool $moveToFooter Flag to include file into footer - doesn't work for CSS files
public static function addCssJsFile($file, $moveToFooter = FALSE)
// Get file extension (after last occurance of a dot)
$mediaTypeSplit = strrchr($file, '.');
// Get file reference
$resolved = self::getFileResource($file);
if ($resolved) {
// JavaScript processing
if ($mediaTypeSplit == '.js') {
? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->getPageRenderer()->addJsFooterFile($resolved)
: $GLOBALS['TSFE']->getPageRenderer()->addJsFile($resolved);
// Stylesheet processing
} elseif ($mediaTypeSplit == '.css') {
* Checks a passed CSS or JS file and adds it to the Frontend.
* @param string $script JS Block
* @param string $addUnique Unique key to avoid multiple inclusions
* @param bool $moveToFooter Flag to include file into footer - doesn't work for CSS files
public static function addJsInline($code, $name, $moveToFooter = false)
if ($code) {
//$code = '<script type="text/javascript">'.$code.'</script>';
? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->getPageRenderer()->addJsFooterInlineCode($name, $code)
: $GLOBALS['TSFE']->getPageRenderer()->addJsInlineCode($name, $code);
* Adds/renders a Flash message.
* @param string $title The title
* @param string $message The message
* @param int $type Message level
* @return mixed
public static function renderFlashMessage($title, $message, $type = t3lib_FlashMessage::WARNING) {
$code = ".typo3-message .message-header{padding: 10px 10px 0 30px;font-size:0.9em;}";
$code .= ".typo3-message .message-body{padding: 10px;font-size:0.9em;}";
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->getPageRenderer()->addCssFile(t3lib_extMgm::siteRelPath('t3skin') . 'stylesheets/visual/element_message.css');
$flashMessage = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_FlashMessage', $message, $title, $type);
return $flashMessage->render();
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2012-2013 Andy Hausmann <>
* (c) 2012-2013 Simon Rauterberg <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* A view helper for dynamic rendering of links.
* @author Andy Hausmann <>
* @author Simon Rauterberg <>
* @package flexslider
* @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
class Tx_BdmFce_ViewHelpers_LinkViewHelper extends Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_AbstractTagBasedViewHelper
* @var string
protected $tagName = 'a';
* @var array
protected $paramLabels = array('href', 'target', 'class', 'title', 'param');
* Arguments initialization
* @return void
public function initializeArguments()
$this->registerArgument('arguments', 'array', 'Given arguments by Fluid call as an array.');
$this->registerArgument('href', 'string', 'Link href.');
* Workaround for parent::setArguments().
* Mentioned method is inconsistent:
* - in TYPO3 4.5 it expects an object instance of Tx_Fluid_Core_ViewHelper_Arguments
* - in TYPO3 > 4.5 it expects just an array.
* In order to avoid fatal errors, this new method has been temporarily implemented.
* @param array $arguments
* @return void
public function setArgumentsFromArray(array $arguments) {
$this->arguments = $arguments;
* Checks and processes the given link parameters.
* @param string $link Output from TYPO3 link wizard.
* @return bool Returns true if it is possible to build a link.
protected function processLinkParams($link)
$paramDataArr = explode(' ', $link);
// Combine labels and values into one array
$paramDataArr = Tx_BdmFce_Utility_Div::combineArray($this->paramLabels, $paramDataArr, false);
foreach($paramDataArr as $k=>$v){
if(trim($v) == "-") $paramDataArr[$k]="";
if (isset($paramDataArr['href']) && !empty($paramDataArr['href'])) {
// Save link data into ViewHelper arguments
$cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
$configuration = array(
'parameter' => $this->arguments['href'],
'returnLast' => true,
'additionalParams' => '&' . $this->arguments['param']
$href = $cObj->typolink('', $configuration);
$this->arguments['href'] = $href;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Adds attributes to the tag builder if they're not empty.
* @return void
protected function addTagAttributes()
foreach ($this->paramLabels as $label) {
if (isset($this->arguments[$label])
&& !empty($this->arguments[$label]))
$this->tag->addAttribute($label, $this->arguments[$label]);
* ViewHelper Bootstrap.
* @return mixed|void
public function render()
if ($this->processLinkParams($this->arguments['arguments']['link'])) {
return $this->tag->render();
} else {
return $this->renderChildren();
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