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Created June 1, 2018 14:31
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  • Save BenjaminLu/0def5add4bdf015db67a0f20c099f3e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
c = a * b;
assert(c / a == b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
// uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return a / b;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
* @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
* @title Ownable
* @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
* functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipRenounced(address indexed previousOwner);
event OwnershipTransferred(
address indexed previousOwner,
address indexed newOwner
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
require(newOwner != address(0));
emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
* @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.
function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner {
emit OwnershipRenounced(owner);
owner = address(0);
contract AcceleratedContract is Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
address public tenant;
uint256 public totalMonth = 12;
bool public start = false;
uint256 public rentPerMonth = 12000;
uint256 public totalMoney = totalMonth.mul(rentPerMonth);
uint256 public currentMonth = 0;
uint256 public currentPaid = 0;
uint256 public deposit = 0;
uint256 public timeoutPerMonth = 30 days;
uint256 public lastDay = 0;
uint256 public nextDeadline = 0;
event StartRent();
event PaidForMonth();
event WithdrawDepositFromTenant();
event WithdrawDepositFromLandlord();
modifier contractNotStart {
modifier contractStart {
modifier notTimeout {
require(now <= nextDeadline);
modifier timeout {
require(now > nextDeadline);
function startRent()
uint firstPaid = msg.value;
// 付二個月押金 + 第一個月房租
require(firstPaid == rentPerMonth.mul(3));
// 紀錄承租人
tenant = msg.sender;
// 第一個月付了
currentMonth = 1;
// 紀錄第一個月付了
currentPaid = rentPerMonth;
// 押金數量兩個月
deposit = rentPerMonth.mul(2);
// 下個月租金繳費期限
nextDeadline = now.add(timeoutPerMonth);
lastDay = now.add(365 days);
start = true;
emit StartRent();
function payRent()
uint paidForMonthRent = msg.value;
// 付一個月房租
require(paidForMonthRent == rentPerMonth);
// 更新下次timeout,基於已付款的月份計算
nextDeadline = nextDeadline.add(timeoutPerMonth);
// 已繳月份加1
currentMonth = currentMonth.add(1);
// 已繳金額更新
currentPaid = currentPaid.add(rentPerMonth);
emit PaidForMonth();
// 租金直接給房東
if (currentMonth == 12) {
// 繳滿房租,退押金給租客
uint256 depositShouldReturn = deposit;
deposit = 0;
emit WithdrawDepositFromTenant();
function withdrawDeposit()
// 房租逾期押金歸房東
emit WithdrawDepositFromLandlord();
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