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Created October 25, 2023 19:52
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scrapin' with image generator with text (dezgo) and node.js
(with some amended ChatGPT stuff)
So this will go to specifically, dezgo, and then, find a specific
textbox, click the "run" button, wait for the image, and then save
the image.
You'd have to modify this to do something like..
* choose (randomly?) from an array of prompts
* save the images in some kind of dynamic way
(add the date or time, and then an index)
* work with ffmpeg to put the images into a sequence.
* you probably have to do something like....
refresh the page and then do the code again,
probably in a for or while loop of some kind a fixed amount
of times.
* probably also need to select from the dropdown
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const fs = require('fs');
//our main function
(async () =>
//this will launch a new browser window
//additionally, this should remove the depreciation warnings
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });
const page = await browser.newPage();
//lezzgo to dezgo
await page.goto('');
//this is the textarea that dezgo uses,
//I think mud is some kind of ui toolkit?
await page.waitForSelector('textarea.mud-input-slot');
//this is where you input your text
await page.type('textarea.mud-input-slot', 'We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.');
//be a good boy, error check
console.log('TEXT GOT IN', {timeout: 5000});
//I stopped being a good boy and error checking after that
//you would consider using "try" for each of the actions here
//the button doesn't have an id, it didn't work when I used
//less selectors
console.log('clicked the button');
//this saved the html page, helpful
const pageHTML = await page.content();
fs.writeFileSync('webpage_content.html', pageHTML);
//this is the id, for when an image appears
await page.waitForSelector('img#image-output', {timeout: 20000});
//some console output
console.log('WE GOT A PIC-CHA');
//save our image into a file
const imageSelector = 'img#image-output'; // Replace with the actual CSS selector for the image.
const imageElement = await page.$(imageSelector);
if (imageElement) {
await imageElement.screenshot({ path: 'image.png' }); // You can specify the filename and format
console.log('Image saved.');
} else {
console.log('Image not found.');
} catch (error)
//this is the error for the text area.
//I didn't do nested try statements partially out of laziness
//and just to make sure it was working first.
console.error('Textarea not found or an error occurred:', error);
// Close the browser
await browser.close();
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