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Created November 17, 2018 15:40
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Serialization and deserialization of a generic type in gson
data class UniqueIdentifier<out T>(val value: T)
typealias TransactionId = UniqueIdentifier<Int>
class UniqueIdentifierAdapter : JsonSerializer<UniqueIdentifier<*>>, JsonDeserializer<UniqueIdentifier<*>> {
override fun serialize(
src: UniqueIdentifier<*>,
typeOfSrc: Type,
context: JsonSerializationContext
): JsonElement {
return context.serialize(src.value)
override fun deserialize(
json: JsonElement,
typeOfT: Type,
context: JsonDeserializationContext
): UniqueIdentifier<*> {
val value = context.deserialize<Any>(json, typeOfT.javaClass.genericSuperclass)
return UniqueIdentifier(value)
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