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(defn get-pids-for-day [fut-func f pp] ; add date rangepp
"fut-func is apply-query-to-pid, f is p-day-qry, pp partitioned-pids.
Iterate through each n pids making futures for n pids (batch size)"
(let [results []] ;vec inside vec to mirror readings/days
(for [pid-pool pp]
(let [fut (fut-func pid-pool f)]
(while (not (every? future-done? fut))
(Thread/sleep 500)
(prn (str "waiting for current future to finish..." (first pid-pool))))
(conj results (apply combine-readings (map #(identity @ %) fut)))))))
;;Gist start:
;; Not all supporting functions are returned. Just the main ones used to do the multi-threaded query
;; to hbase. I found a year of data returned in about 2 seconds vs. 20 or so seconds for similar
;; query on a single thread.
;; pids:
(def active-pids (slurp "active_pids_may1_13.csv")) ;; loaded pids from oracle
(def pid-pool (drop 1 (into [] (string/split active-pids #"\n"))))
(def pid-to-get (Integer/parseInt (nth pid-pool 10000))) ;; get random pid
BenjyO238 /
Created August 12, 2014 21:43
working to add vertexes